Required Texts:
Greek Text: Nestle 27th edition
Textbook: J. Roloff,
Revelation (Fortress Continental Commentary), trans. J. Alsup and J. Currie,
Atlanta, 1993
D. Aune, The Book of Revelation I, (WBC, Vol. 52), '97, chs. 1-5
D. Aune, The Book of Revelation II, (WBC, Vol. 52b), '98, chs. 6-16
D. Aune, The Book of Revelation III, (WBC, Vol. 52c), '98, chs. 17-22
G. K. Beale, The Book of Revelation , (NIGTC), Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1998
G.R. Beasley-Murray, The Book of Revelation,
Grand Rapids, 1981 (='74)
M.E. Boring, Revelation (Interp), Louisville,
W. Bousset, Die Offenbarung des Johannes
(KEK), Goettingen, '66 (='06)
G.B. Caird, The Revelation of Saint John, Hendrickson, Peabody,1999 (Second Edition)
J. Ellul, Apocalypse: The Book of
Revelation, NY, 1977
J.M. Ford, Revelation (Anchor), NY, 1975
H. Kraft, Die Offenbarung des Johannes
(Lietzmann), Tuebingen, 1974
G.A. Krodel, Revelation (Augsburg), Minneapolis,
E. Lohse, Die Offenbarung des Johannes(NTD), Goettingen, 1971
R.H. Mounce, The Book of Revelation (NICC),
Grand Rapids, 1977
B.M. Metzger, Breaking the Code: Understanding
the Book of Revelation, Nashville, 1993
P. Prigent, L'Apocalypse de Saint Jean,
Paris, 1981
M. Rissi, Alpha und Omega. Eine Deutung
der Johannesoffenbarung, Basel,1966
A. Voegtle, Das Buch mit den sieben Siegeln:
Die Offenbarung des Johannes in Auswahl gedeutet, Freiburg, 1981
A. Wikenhauser, Die Offenbarung des Johannes
(Regensburger NT), Regensburg, 1959
E.Schuessler Fiorenza,
Invitation to the Book of Revelation, NY, 1981
__________, Revelation: Vision of a Just World (Proclamation), Minneapolis, 1991
A.Yarbro Collins, The Apocalypse, Wilmington,
Other Studies:
D.E. Aune, "The Form and Function of the
Proclamations to the Seven Churches(Revelation 2-3)," NTS 36/2 (April 1990),
pp. 182-204
O. Boecher, Die Johannesapocalypse (Ertraege
der Forschung), Darmstadt, 1975
P. Carrell, Jesus and the Angels: Angelology and the Christology of the Apocalypse of John, (SNTS Monograph 95), Cambridge, 1997. (Review: JSNT 70 (98), p, 121; Evangelical Quarterly 71 (99), pp. 89-92; Journal of Religion (99), pp. 141-143.)
J.J. Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination,
NY, 1987
J.J. Court, Myth and History in the Book
of Revelation, Atlanta, 1979
D.A. DeSilva,"Honor Discourse and the Rhetorical Strategy of the Apocalypse of John", JSNT 71 (98), pp. 79-110.
L. Goppelt, Theology of the New Testament,
Vol 2, pp. [161-197] 178-197, Grand Rapids, 1982
F. Hahn, "Die Sendschreiben der Johannesapokalypse:
Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung prophetischer Redeformen," in: Tradition und
Glaube.Festgabe fuer Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburtstag, eds. G. Jeremias,
H.-W. Kuhn, H. Stegemann, pp. 357-394, Goettingen, 1971
P. Hanson, The Dawn of Apocalyptic, Philadelphia,
J. Massyngberde Ford, "The Christological Function of the Hymns in the Apocalypse of John", Andrews University Seminary Studies 36 (98) pp. 207-229
F.D. Mazzaferri, The Genre of the Book
of Revelation from a Source-Critica Perspective, NY, 1989
J.R. Michaels, Interpreting the Book of
Revelation, Grand Rapids, 1992
J. P. Ruiz, "Biblical Interpretation from a US Hispanic American Perspective: A Reading of the Apocalypse" in: El Cuerpo de Cristo (ed. P. Casarella et al.) 1998, pp. 78-105
D.S. Russell, Divine Disclosure: An Introduction
to Jewish Apocalyptic, Minneapolis, 1992
E. Schussler Fiorenza, "The Eschatology
and Composition of the Apocalypse," CBQ XXX (1968), pp. 537-569
__________, Priester fuer Gott: Studien
zum Herrschafts- und Priestermotiv in der Apokalypse, Muenster, 1972
__________, "Apocalyptic and Gnosis in
the Book of Revelation and Paul", JBL XCII (1973), pp. 565-581"The Eschatology
and Composition of the Apocalypse," CBQ XXX (1968), pp. 537-569
L.L. Thompson, The Book of Revelation:
Apocalypse and Empire, Oxford, 1990
A. Yarbro Collins, The Combat Myth in the
Book of Revelation, Missoula, Mont.,1976
__________, Crisis and Catharsis: The Power
of the Apocalypse, Philadelphia,1984
__________, "Eschatology in the Book of
Revelation," in: Ex Audita (Annual of the F. Neumann Symposium on Theological
Interpretation of Scripture, vol. 6), pp. 63-72, 1990
Supplements: to be added during the
semester and posted to the website.
Steven J. Scherrer, "Signs and Wonders in the Imperial Cult: A New Look at a Roman Religious Institution in the Light of Rev 13:13-15," Journal of Biblical Literature 103/4 (1984), pp. 599-610.
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