Commentary Review:
Heinrich Kraft's
Die Offenbarung des Johannes
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The Kraft commentary appeared in 1974 as volume 16a (vol. 16 = E. Lohmeyer
1953 2nd. ed.) in the series HNT (Handbuch zum Neuen Testament) founded by
Hans Lietzmann around the turn of the century and intended to supplement
existing commentaries of the time with the rich comparative background
texts - especially those of the Hellenistic world - of the history of
religions school (around the same time Lietzmann produced the Kleine Texte
series containing original source texts for use in lectures and seminars by
theological students). Though Lietzmann was not technically a member of the
history of religions school, the HNT series has long been associated with
its history and work. Modest in size the commentaries were intended to be
user-friendly and to serve a practical function in the hands of pastors and
Kraft is actually one of the larger volumes in the series (though
it is not on the modern compendious order of Aune or Beale). Re: Lietzmann
cf. N. Walter's article on his life and work in: Dictionary of Biblical
Interpretation (ed. J.H. Hayes), vol. II, 1999, p. 75. [JEA] This series is
a shorter commentary compared to Aune and Beale. Hence the series title
handbook. This is a form critical commentary on the Greek text. That is to
say, while it provides a German translation of the Greek text, the
references to phrases points not the translation but rather the Greek.
Theological reflection is a major emphasis in this commentary. However, it
does set forth the redaction critical and history-of-religions issues fairly
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