Commentary Review:
Gerhard A. Krodel's
Offered by ELR
This is part of the Augsburg commentary series written by Lutheran seminary professors, for both clergy and laypersons. The Editorial Committee is comprised of: Roy Harrisville, Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN; Jack Dean Kingsbury, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, VA; and Gerhard A. Krodel, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysurg, PA.
John's book can be summarized by Rev. 14:7: not consolation for the afflicted, but "an alternative vision of God's triumph in judgment and salvation" (150). Only God has ultimate power over the future. Revelation is not a literary genre but an account of revelatory visionary (and auditory) prophetic experience for communication with the whole church. As in the gospel parables, Jesus discloses not only himself but also his evaluation of the present situation - how the church is faring or should be faring amidst the turmoil of the times.
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