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The highlighted entries are linked to a book/article review.
* denotes an addition to the class bibliography
Dibelius, M.& H. Greeven, An die Kolosser, Epheser, an Philemon (HNT 12, 3rd ed.), pp. 101-113, 53.
Goppelt, L., A Commentary on 1 Peter, (re: household codes) trans./augm. J.E. Alsup, Grand Rapids, Mich., pp. 190-216, 93.
*Harris, Murray J.Colossians and Philemon. (Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991.
Knox, J., Philemon among the Letters of Paul, London, 60 (review: Greeven ThLZ 79, 373-378, 54.)
Lohse, E., Die Briefe an die Kolosser und an Philemon (KEK 9,2), Goettingen, NF 68). Eng. Trans.= Colossians and Philemon (Hermeneia; Fortress Press).
Moule, C.F.D., The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon (CGrTC 57).
O'Brien, P.T., Colossians, Philemon (Word Bib. Comm. #44), Waco, 82.
Schlatter, A., Der Brief an Philemon (ENT II), pp. 861-866, 09.
Stuhlmacher, P., Der Brief an Philemon (EKK #1), Neukirchen, 75.
Thompson, G.H.P., The Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, to the Colossians and to Philemon (CBC on NEB 9), Cambridge, 67.
Abbott, Edwin, Onesimus, Memoirs of a Disciple of St. Paul (fiction), London, 1882.
Barrow, R.H., Slavery in the Roman Empire, NY, 68.
Bartchy, S.S., mallon chresai: First Century Slavery and the Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7:21 (SBL Diss. Series 11, Missoula, Mont., 73.)
Bassler, Jouette M., Pauline Theology, vol. 1: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, Minneapolis, 91.
Bellen, H., Studien zur Sklavenflucht im roemischen Kaiserreich ("Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei" 4), '71.
Bjerkelund, C.J., PARAKALO - Form, Funktion und Sinn der parakalo-Saetze in den paulinischen Briefen (BibTheo1Norv I, Oslo, 67).
Boemer, F., Untersuchungen ueber die Religion der Sklaven in Griechenland und Rom (four vols., Wiesbaden, 57-60).
Combes, I.A.H., The Metaphor of Slavery in the Writings of the Early Church: from the New Testament to the Beginning of the Fifth Century, Sheffield, 98.
Davis, D.B., The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture, NY, 66.
Deissmann, A., Licht vom Osten, 1923 4th ed., Eng. Trans. = Light From the Ancient East.
Finley, M.I., Slavery in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge, 60.
*Gielen, M., Tradition und Theologie neutestamentlicher Haustafelethik. Ein Beitrag zur Frage einer christlichen Auseinandersetzung mit gesellschaftlichen Normen (BBB 75), Frankfurt (Anton Heim), 1990.
Greeven, H., Das Hauptproblem der Sozialethik in der neueren Stoa und im Urchristentum, Guetersloh, 35, pp. 28-41.
Guelzow, H., Christentum und Sklaverei in den ersten drei Jahrhunderten, Bonn, 69.
Haeusler, E., Sklaven und Personen minderen Rechts im Alten Testament (Diss. Cologne, 56).
Hodgson, P.C., New Birth of Freedom: a Theology of Bondage and Liberation, Atlanta, 76.
Jang, L.K.,Der Philemonbrief im Zusammenhang mit dem theologischen Denken des Apostels Paulus (Diss. Theol. Bonn, 64).
Kasemann, E., Der Ruf der Freiheit, 5th ed., Eng. Trans. = Jesus Means Freedom (Fortress Press), 72.
Kehnscherper, G., Die Stellung der Bibel und der alten christlichen Kirche zur Sklaverei, Halle 57 (reviews: von Campenhausen ZKG 69 (58), pp. 328f; Fascher ThLZ 85 (60), Cols, 521-524).
Lyall, F., Slaves, Citizens, Sons, Legal Metaphors in the Epistles, Grand Rapids, Mich., 84.
Martin, D.B., Slavery as Salvation: the Metaphor of Slavery in Pauline Christianity, New Haven, 90.
Moule, H.C.G., Colossian and Philemon Studies, London, n.d.
Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome, Paul: A Critical Life, Oxford, 1996.
*Needleman, Jacob, Time and the Soul New York, '98.
Neilson, Winthrop, Letter to Philemon: a novel of a man's search for faith, Nelson, 62.
*Osiek, Carolyn and David L. Balch. Families in the New Testament World: Households and House Churches, Louisville: 1997.
*Peterson, N., Rediscovering Paul: Philemon and the Sociology of Paul's Narrative World, Philadelphia (Fortress Press), 1985.
Russell, Kenneth C., Slavery as Reality and Metaphor in the Pauline Letters, Catholic Book Agency, 68.
Schrage, W., Die konkreten Einzelgebote der paulinischen Paraenese, 61.
Schule, J., Zur Rolle der Unfreien in den roemischen Christenverfolgungen, Tueb., 70.
Schulz, S., Gott ist kein Sklavenhalter, Die Geschichte einer verspaeteten Revolution, Zurich/Hamburg, 72.
Sherwin-White, A.N., Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament, Oxford, 3rd
ed, 69.
Smith, J.D., The Biblical and "Scientific" Defense of Slavery, 93.
Urbach, E.E., The Laws Regarding Slavery, as a Source for the Social History of the Period of the Second Temple, the Mishnah and Talmud (papers of the Inst. of Jewish Studies, London, 1, ed. J. G. Weiss, Jerusalem), 64.
Vogt, J., Sklaverei und Humanitaet im klassischen Griechentum, Wiesbaden, 53.
Westermann, W.L., The Slave Systems of Greek and Roman Antiquity, Phil., 64 3rd ed.
Wiedemann, T., Greek and Roman Slavery, Baltimore, 81.
Barclay, John M., "Paul, Philemon and the Dilemma of Christian Slave-ownership," NTStudies, (37:161-186), 91.
Bellen, H., "mallon chresai (1 Cor 7,21) - Verzicht auf Freilassung als asketische Leistung?" JAC 6 (63), pp. 177-180.
Bowman, Gail E., "Better Than a Slave," Christian Ministry 28 (1:31-33), 97.
Coleman-Norton, P.R., "The Apostle Paul and the Roman Law of Slavery," Studies in Roman Economic and Social History in Honor of A. Ch. Johnson, ed. P.R. Coleman-Norton, Princeton, pp. 155-177, 51.
Davies, Margaret, "Work and Slavery in the New Testament: Impoverishments of Traditions," The Bible in Ethics, ed. J. Rogerson, pp. 315-347, 95.
Deming, Will, "A Diatribe in 1 Cor 7:21-22: A New Perspective on Paul's Directions to Slaves," Novum Testamentum (37:130-137), 95.
Diem, H., "Onesimus - Bruder nach dem Fleisch und in dem Herrn. Die Botschaft dees Apostels Paulus an Philemon in ihrer dauernden Aktualitaet," Evangelische Freiheit und kirchliche Ordnung (Fst. T. Dipper, ed. H. Lang and P. Spambalg, 68), pp. 139-150.
Filson, F.V., "The Significance of the Early House Churches," JBL 58, 105-112, 39.
Fredrickson, David E., "Parresia in the Pauline Epistles," Friendship, Flattery and Frankess of Speech, ed. J. Fitzgerald, pp. 163-183, 96.
*Gielen, M., "Zur Interpretation der paulinischen Formel, he kat' oikon ekklesia", ZNW 77 (1986), pp. 109-25.
Giles, Kevin, "The Biblical Argument for Slavery: Can the Bible Mislead? A Case Study in Hermeneutics [parallels with arguments for subordination of women]," Evan Quarterly, (66:3-17), 94.
Glancy, Jennifer A., "Obstacles to Slaves' Participation in the Corinthian Church," JBL 117/3, pp. 481-501, 98.
Goodenough, E.R., "Paul and Onesimus," HthR 22, pp. 181-183, 29.
Harrill, J. Albert, "Paul and Slavery: The Problem of 1 Cor 7:21," Biblical Research (39:5-28), 94.
Harrison, P.N., "Onesimus and Philemon," AthR 32, pp. 268-294, 50.
Haufe, G., "Die antike Beruteliung der Sklaven," Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Univ. 9, pp. 603-616,
Holland, Glenn S., "Paul's Root Metaphors: Slavery [Galatians; reply, J. Anderson, pp 177-183], Proceedings, Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Society 12, pp. 185-194, 92.
Imbert, J., "Reflections sur le Christianisme et l'esclavage en droit romain," Rev Int des Droits de l'Antiquite 2, pp. 445-475, 49.
Jankowski, Gerhard, "An Philemon," (Anti-) Rassistische Irratationen, ed. S. Wagner, and others, pp. 93-107, 94.
Keener, Craig S., "Slaves, Obey your Masters: Ephesians 6:5," AME Zion Quarterly Review (107:32-54), 95.
Kisembo, Benezeri, "The Free Man and the Freedom (1 Cor 7.22)" Bible Translator (46:226-229), 95.
*Klassen, William. "Normative Self-Definitions of Christianity in the New Testament." (Chap. 6). Common Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Synder. Harrisburg: Trinity, 1998.
*Krentz, Edgar. ""Order in the "House" of God." (Chap. 7). Common Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Synder. Harrisburg: Trinity, 1998.
Lamau, M.-L., "Exhortation aux esclaves et hymne au Christ souffrant dans la Premiere epitre de Pierre.'" MelSciRel 43 (86), pp. 121-143.
Levenson, J.D., "Exodus und Liberation," Horizons in Biblical Theology 13/2, pp. 134-174, 91.
Lewis, Lloyd A., Jr., "An African American Appraisal of the Philemon-Paul-Onesimus Triangle," Stony the Road We Trod, ed. C. Felder, pp. 232-246, 91.
Martens, John W., "Ignatius and Onesimus: John Knox Reconsidered [reply to J. Knox's Philemon among the Letters of Paul], Second Century, (9:73-86), 92.
Mueller-Bardorff, J., "Philemonbrief," RGG V, 3rd ed., pp. 331f.
*Osiek, Carolyn. "Women in House Churches." (Chap. 21). Common Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Synder. Harrisburg: Trinity, 1998.
Preiss, Th., "Vie en Christ et ethique sociale dans l'Epitre a Philemon," Aux sources de la tradition chretienne, Fst. M. Goguel, Paris), pp. 171-179, 50.
Rapske, Brian M., "The Prisoner Paul in the Eyes of Onesimus," NTStudies, (37:187-203), 91.
Rengstorf, K.H., "doulos," TNDT II, pp. 261ff.
*Reuman, John. "One Lord, One Faith, One God, but Many House Churches." (Chap. 7). Common Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Synder. Harrisburg: Trinity, 1998.
*Richardson, Peter. "Architectural Transitions from Synagogues and House Churches to Purpose-Built Churches." (Chap. 26). Common Life in the Early Church: Essays Honoring Graydon F. Synder. Harrisburg: Trinity, 1998.
Schrage,E., "Leid, Kreuz und Eschaton. Die Peristasenkataloge als Merkmale paulinishcer theologia crucis und Eschatologie," EvTh 34, pp. 141-175, 74.
Schweizer, E., "Zum Sklavenproblem im Neuen Testament," EvTh 32, pp. 502-506, 72.
Snodgrass, Klyne, "Biblical Law and Liberty," [papers presented at North Park Symposium on Theological Interpretation of Scripture, North Park Theo. Sem., Chicago], Ex Auditu, pp. 166-168, 95.
Suhl, A., "Der Philemonbrief als Beispiel paulinischer Paraenese," Kairos NF 15, pp. 267-279,
Taylor, N.H., "Onesimus: A Case Study of Slave Conversation in Early Christianity," Rel&Theol 3 (3:259-281), 96.
Thompson, J.W., "Be Submissive to Your Masters': A Study of 1 Peter 2:18-25," RestQ 9, pp. 66-78, 66.
Tuckett, Christopher M., "Paul, Tradition and Freedom [the problem of tradition in the early church], Theologische Zeitschrift, 47 (4:307-325), 91.
Venable-Ridley, C. Michelle, "Paul and the African American Community [reexamination of texts relating to obedience and slavery], Embracing the Spirit, ed. E. Townes, pp. 212-233, 97.
Vogt, J., Sklaverei und Humanitaet. Studien zur antiken Sklaverei und Ihrer Erforschung ("Historia" suppl. 8), Wiesbaden, 72 2nd ed.
Vos, C.S., "The Significance of the Change from oikos to oikia in Luke's Account of the Philippian Jailer (Acts 16:30-34), NTStudies (41:292-296), 95.
Watson, Francis, "Christ, Law and Freedom: A Study in Theological Hermeneutics,"God and Freedom, ed. C. Gunton, pp. 82-102, 95.
Wickert, U., "Der Philemonbrief - Privatbrief oder apostolisches Schreiben?" ZNW 52, pp. 230-238, 61.
Wielenga, Bastiaan, "Called to be Free: Biblical Approaches to Slavery," Dialogue (Colombo), (23:32-52), 96.
Willson, Patrick J., "The Freedom of Slavery: 1 Cor 9:16-23 (meditation)," Christian Century (111:43), 94.
Supplements: to be added during the
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