Chapter 1
(JEA), Chapter 7 (JEA), Chapter
13 (JEA), Chapter 19 (JEA & DH)
Chapter 2 (JEA),
Chapter 8 (JEA), Chapter 14
(JEA), Chapter 20 (DH)
Chapter 3 (JEA),
Chapter 9 (JEA), Chapter 15 (JEA), Chapter
21 (DH)
Chapter 4
(JEA), Chapter 10 (JEA), Chapter
16 (JEA), Chapter 22 (DH)
Chapter 5
(JEA), Chapter 11 (JEA), Chapter
17 (JEA),
Chapter 6 (JEA),
Chapter 12 (JEA), Chapter 18 (JEA)
The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him to make known to his
slaves which things are necessary to become suddenly and he made oracular
disclosure having commissioned apostolically through his divine messenger
to his slave John, (v. 2) who witnessed the word of God, even with
respect to the witness of Jesus Christ, as regards as many things as he
saw. (v. 3) God blesses the one who is reading and the ones who are hearing
the words of the prophecy and are keeping the things having been written
in it; for the critical hour is proximate.
(v. 4) John, to the seven churches,
to those in Asia: grace (be) to you all and peace from the One being and
the One who was and the coming One and from the seven spirits which (are)
before his throne (v. 5) and from Jesus Christ, the Witness the faithful
One, the firstborn of the dead ones and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
To the One loving us and loosing us out of our sins in his blood
- (v. 6) he also made us a kingdom, priests to his God and
Father - to him (be) the glory and the power into the ages [of the
ages]! Amen.
(v. 7) Behold, he is coming
with the clouds
and every eye will see him
and who all so ever pierced him
and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over him
yes, amen
(v. 8) I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the One being and the One who was and the coming One, the All Powerful One!
(v. 9) I John, the brother of you
(pl.) and (the one who is) making common cause with (you) in the hardship
and kingdom and endurance in Jesus, became in the island, the one being
called Patmos, on account of the word of God and the witness of Jesus.
(v. 10) I became in the s(S)pirit on the Lord's day and I heard behind
me a great voice (sound?) like a trumpet (v. 11) saying, "What thing you
see, write into a book and send to the seven churches, into Ephesus and
into Smyrna and into Pergamon and into Thyateira and into Sardeis and into
Philadelphia and into Laodiceia!
(v. 12) And I turned to see the voice
whichsoever was talking with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands
(v. 13) and in the midst of the lampstands (I saw) a similar-to-the-son-of-man
One having clothed himself with respect to a full-length robe and having
girded himself at the breasts with respect to a golden belt. (v.
14) Now the head of him and the hairs (were) white like white wool like
snow and his eyes (were) like a tongue of fire (v. 15) and his feet (were)
similar to gold ore like (that) having been fired in the oven and his voice
(was) like the voice of many waters (v. 16) and having in his right hand
seven stars and going out out of his mouth a (large) sharp two-edged sword
and his outward appearance (was) like the sun appears (shines, blazes?)
in its/his strength.
(v. 17) And when I saw him I fell
toward his feet as a dead one and he places his right [hand] upon me saying:
"Don't be afraid! I am the first
One and the last (eschaton) One (v. 18) and (indeed?) the living
One; and I became a dead One and, behold, I am living [periphrastic
tense!] into the ages of the ages (= forever) and I have the keys of
death and of hades. Write, therefore, what things you saw and what things
are and what things are about to become after these things.
The mystery of the seven stars which you saw upon my right
[hand] and the seven lampstands of gold; the seven stars are
heavenly messengers of the seven congregations and the seven
lampstands are the seven churches.
To the heavenly messenger of the church in Ephesus write: These things
says the One having power with respect
to the seven stars in his right
[hand], the One walking in the midst of
the seven lamp stands the golden
ones! (V. 2) I know your (singular) works
and labor and your (singular)
patience, indeed that you (singular) are
not able to carry evil ones, and
having tested the ones calling themselves
apostles and they are not and you
(singular) discovered them (to be) false,
(v. 3) and you (singular) have
patience and you (singular) carried on
account of my name and you (singular)
have not grown weary (labored, toiled with
effort?), (v. 4) but I have
against you (Greek "kata sou" = ?) that
your (singular) first love you
(singular) have let go (forgiven, put away?).
(v. 5) Therefore, remember
whence you (singular) have fallen and repent
and do the first works! If not,
I am coming to you (singular) and I shall
move your lamp stand out of her
place, if you (singular) do not repent.
(V. 6) But you (singular) have this
thing that you (singular) hate the works
of the Nicolaitans, which things I
also hate.
(V. 7) The having ears let that one
hear what thing the s(S)pirit says to
the churches.
To the o(O)ne triumphing I shall give to
him/her (Gr. antecedent =
"anthropos") to eat out of the tree of
life, which is in the paradise of God.
(V. 8) And to the heavenly messenger of
the church in Smyrna write: These things says the first One and the last
("eschatos") One who became dead and lived (became alive>ingressive aorist?).
(v. 9) I know your (singular) turmoil and poverty, but you (singular) are
rich, and [I know] the blasphemy out of the ones speaking regarding themselves
to be Jews and they are not, but [are] a synagogue of Satan. (v. 10) Nothing
(in no way?) fear which things you (singular) are about to suffer. Behold,
Diabolos is about to throw out of you (plural) into prison in order that
you (plural) may be tested and you (plural) shall have turmoil (within
a time period of) ten days. Become (singular) faithful unto death and I
shall give to you (singular) the crown of life!
(v. 11) The one having ears let that
one hear what thing the s(S)pirit says to the churches. The One triumphing
shall not at all be wronged (harmed?) out of the death, the second one.
(V. 12) And to the heavenly messenger of the church in Pergamon write: These things says the One having (holding?) the sword, the two-edged, sharp one. (v. 13) I know where you (singular) live ("down-house"), where the throne of Satan [is}, and you (singular) are strong with respect to my name and I shall not deny my faith and (even?) in the days (of) Antipas, the my-witness, the my-faithful-one, who died (was killed) from you (plural = of your number?), where Satan lives ("down-households"); (v. 14) but I have against (?) you (singular) small things because you (singular) have there (ones = those who?) having strength (plural ptcp.) with respect to the teaching (didactic?) of Balaam, who gave to Balak to cast a scandal before the sons of Israel to eat an idol-sacrifice and to engage in destructive sexuality. (v. 15) Thus you (singular, with emphasis) also have (ones, cf. v. 14) having strength with respect to the teaching (didactic?) of the Nikolaitans; similarly (here) (v. 16), therefore, repent (singular)! If not, I come to you suddenly (synonym to "en tachei 1:1?) and I shall make war (do battle?) with them in the sword of my mouth.
(v. 17) The one having ears, let that
one hear what things the s(S)pirit says to the churches. To the One triumphing
I shall give to him of (partitive genitive?) the Manna, the one which was
hidden, and I shall give to him a white stone and upon the stone
a new name having been written what thing no one knows except the one receiving
(V. 18) And to the heavenly messenger of the church in Thyateiros write: These things says the Son of God, the One having his eyes as a tongue of fire and his feet similar to gold ore. (v. 19) I know your (singular) works and love and faith and service (deaconate?) and your (singular) patience, and your (singular) works [are] the last ("eschatos") things greater (than) the first things. (v. 20) But I have against (?) you (singular) that you (singular) permit (release, tolerate, forgive?) the woman Jezebel, the one speaking with regard to herself a prophetess and teaches and corrupts (leads astray?) my slaves to practice destructive sexuality (fornicate?) and to eat (consume?) idol-sacrifice. (v. 21) And I gave to her a time-duration in order that she may repent and (but?) she wishes not to repent out of her destructive sexuality. (v. 22) Behold (Now hear this!?), I throw her into recline (a couch?) and the ones adultering with her into great turmoil (conflict?), if not (lest?) they shall repent out of her works, (v. 23) and her children I shall kill in death. And all the churches shall know that I am the One scrutinizing minds (lit. kidneys, anc. symbol of the inner life?) and hearts, and I shall give you (plural), each according to your (plural) works. (v. 24) To you (plural) I say, you who remain among the Thyateirans, however so many as do not have (hold?) this teaching (didactic?), whosoever (plural) did not know the deep things (= ?) of Satan - as they say - I cast not upon you (plural) another heavy thing, (v. 25) except, regarding what thing you (plural) have, have strength until which (time? critical hour?) I might come (aor. subj. of "heko" t.t. for coming of the deity?).
(v. 26) And the One triumphing and
the One keeping until the end (times? critical moments?) my works to that
One I shall give authority upon the nations (v. 27) and "he shall shepherd
them in an iron rod (staff?) as the vessels, the ceramic ones, are shattered,"
(v. 28) as even I have received (pf. of "lambano") from (alongside?) my
Father I shall also give to that One the star, the early one.
(v.29) The one having an ear let
that one hear what the s(S)pirit says to the churches!
3:1 And to the heavenly messenger of the church in Sardesis write: These things says the One having (holding?) the seven s(S)pirits of God and the seven stars. I know your (plural) works that you (singular) have a name that you (singular) live and you (singular) are dead. (v. 2) become being vigilant (singular periphrastic imperative?!! =ptcp. + verb equiv. to "to be") and strengthen (singular aor. imp.) the remaining things which were about to die, for I have not found (discovered?) your (singular) works having been fulfilled (completed?) before my God. (v. 3) Be remembering (pres. sing. imp.), therefore, how you (singular) have received and heard, and be keeping (pres. sing. imp.) and repent (aor. sing. imp.); therefore, if you (singular) are not vigilant I shall come (NB. not "e!rcomai" but "h@kw") as a thief and you (singular) shall surely not (double negative!) know what sort of hour I shall come (NB. as above) upon you (singular). (v. 4) But you (singular) have a few names in Sardesis which did not defile (stain?) their garments and they shall walk with me in white (ones) because they are worthy.
(v. 5) The One triumphing thus shall be clothed with respect to white (ones = garments?) and his/her name shall not at all (double negative) be wiped out (erased?) out of the book of life and I shall confess his/her name before my Father and before his heavenly messengers. (v. 6) The one having ears let that one hear what the s(S)pirit says to the churches.
(V. 7) And to the heavenly messenger of
the church in Philadelphia write: These things says the Holy One, the True
One, the One having (holding?) the key of David, the One opening and no
one shall lock up (cf. word play>"key" as noun and verb!) and (the) Closing
One and no one opens. (v. 8) "I know your (singular) works, behold, I have
given before you (singular) a door having been opened, which no one is
able to lock it up (word play as above) because you (singular) have small
power ("duvvnami"" and not "kravto"") and you (singular) kept my word and
did not deny my name. (v. 9) Behold, I shall give out of the synagogue
of Satan, of the ones saying (calling?) themselves to be Jews and are not
but are lying, behold, I shall make them in order that they may come (Gr.
"h@kw", cf. text-critical apparatus!) and may worship before your (singular)
feet and may know (NB. verb form here too!) that I loved you (singular)
, (v. 10) because you (singular) kept the word of my patience (endurance,
durability?), and I shall keep you (singular) out of the hour of the trial
(test?) of the about to be one to come upon the whole inhabited ("earth"
understood) to try (test?) the ones dwelling-down upon the earth. (v. 11)
I come suddenly (Gr. "e!rcomai tacuv"): keep strength (Gr. pres. sing.
imp. of "kratevw"!) regarding what thing you (singular) have in order that
no one may take your (singular) crown!
(v. 12) The One triumphing I shall
make that one a pillar (column?) in the temple of my God and that one shall
not at all (double negative) go still yet outside and I shall write upon
that one the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new
Jerusalem, the one coming down out of heaven from my God, and my name,
the new one! (v. 13) The one having an ear let that one hear what the s(S)pirit
says to the churches!"
(V. 14) And to the heavenly messenger of
the church in Laodiceia write: These things says the Amen, the Witness,
the Faithful and True One, the Beginning of the Creation of God. (v. 15)
"I know your (singular) works that you (singular) [are] neither cold nor
hot; would that you (singular) were [cf. discussion in BAG, p. 599 from
"ojfeivlw"?] cold or hot! (v. 16) Thus, because you (singular) are lukewarm
(Gr. "cliarov"") and neither hot nor cold I am about to cough you (singular)
up (Gr. "ejmevw" [hapax for NT] not "ptuvw", cf. BAG p. 254) out of my
mouth, (v. 17) because you (singular) say 'I am rich [or, that I am rich...;
also, who is the "I" referent here?] and have become wealthed and have
need with respect to nothing,' and you (singular) do not know that you
(singular) are the wretched-and-miserable-and-begging-and-blind-and-naked-one.
(v. 18) I counsel you (singular) to purchase from (alongside?) me gold
having been fired out of fire in order that you (singular) may become rich,
and [to purchase] white garments in order that the shame of your (singular)
nakedness may be clothed and may not be manifest, and to anoint (Gr. "ejgcrivw"
- rub?) with respect to eye-salve your (singular) eyes in order that you
(singular) may see. (v. 19) I reprove (Gr. "ejlevgcw") and discipline ("paideuvw")
as many as if I love. Be eager (pres. sing. imp. hapax form, cf. "zhlovw"),
therefore, and repent (aor. imp.)! (v. 20) Behold, I have stood ("and am
standing" perf. for present?) upon the door and I knock (Gr. "krouvw");
if anyone hears my voice and opens the door [also] I shall enter
into toward that one and I shall dine with that one and that one with me.
(v. 21) The One Triumphing I shall
give to that one to sit with me in (on?) my throne, as I have triumphed
and sat (down) with my Father in (on?) his throne". (v. 22) The one
having an ear let that one hear what the s(S)pirit says to the churches!
After these things I saw and behold a door having been opened in the heaven,
and the voice, the first (prior? cf. 1:12?) one which I heard like a trumpet,
talking with me, saying, "Go up there, and I shall show to you (singular)
which things are necessary to become after these things." (v. 2) Immediately
(Gr. "Euqevw"") I became in [the?] s(S)pirit, and behold, a throne was
sitting in heaven and upon the throne being seated (v. 3) even the being-seated-One
like in appearance (Gr. "oJravsi"" not [cf. 1:16] "o!yi"") to a jasper
stone and a carnelian, and a rainbow from around the throne like in appearance
(Gr. "oJravsi"" again) to an emerald. (v. 4) And from around the throne
thrones twenty-four and upon the thrones twenty-four elders (Gr. "pres-
buvteroi") being seated having been clothed in white garments and upon
their heads golden crowns. (v. 5) And out of the throne go out bolts of
lightning and voices (sounds?) and claps of thunder, and seven lampstands
of fire being on fire before the throne, which things are the seven s(S)pirits
of God, (v. 6) and before the throne as (Gr. here "wJ"") a transparent-as-glass
sea like (Gr. here "oJmoiva") crystal. And in the middle of the throne
and encircling the throne four living things being full (Gr. "gevmw" =
be full > "gemivzw") of eyes from in front and from behind, (v. 7) and
the living thing, the first one, (was) similar to a lion and the second
living thing (was) similar to a calf and the third living thing having
(cf. text-critical apparatus, agreement?!) the face as (Gr. "wJ"") of a
human being and the fourth living thing (was) similar to an eagle in flight
(cf. LXX Job 9:26!). (v. 8) And the four living things, one according
to one of them (one by one, each one?), having above six wings, from around
and from inside they are full of eyes and they have no rest day and night
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, the
the One who was and the One who
is and the Coming One
(v. 9) And when the living things shall give glory and honor and thanksgiving to the One being seated upon the throne, the living One into the ages of ages, (v. 10) the twenty-four elders shall fall down before the One being seated upon the throne and they shall worship the living One into the ages of ages and they shall throw their crowns before the throne saying:
You (singular) are worthy, our Lord
and God,
to receive the glory and the honor
and the power (Gr. "duvnami"")
because you (singular) created all
and on account of your (singular)
will they were created.
And I saw on the right ("hand" understood) of the One sitting upon the
throne a book having been written from within and from behind having been
sealed by means of seven seals. (v. 2) And I saw a strong (Gr. "ijscurovn")
heavenly messenger preaching (Gr. "khruvssonta") in a great voice, "Who
(is) worthy to open the book and to loose (break?) its seals?" (v. 3) And
no one was able in the heaven or upon the earth or under the earth to open
the book or to view (see?) it. (v. 4) And I was crying much because no
one was found worthy to open the book or to view (see?) it, (v. 5) and
one out of the elders says to me, "Do not cry, behold, the Lion, the One
out of the tribe of Judah, the root (= ?) of David, triumphed to open the
book and its seven seals.
(v. 6) And I saw in the midst of
the throne and of the four living tings and in the midst of the elders
a lamb standing in place (Gr. "eJsthkov""perf>pres.) as having been slaughtered
having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the [seven] s(S)pirits of
God having been sent out (t.t. apostolically?) into all the earth. (v.
7) And it [the lamb] went and receive(s)d (Gr. "ei!lhfen" perf. of "lambavnw")
out of the right ("hand") of the One sitting upon the throne.
(v. 8) And when he (it?) took the
book the four living things and the twenty-four elders fell before the
lamb [they] having (holding?) each a harp and golden bowls being full of
incense (plural) which are the prayers of the holy ones. (v. 9) And
they ode a new ode (sing a new song?) saying (singing?):
Worthy are you (singular) to take
the book and to open its seals
because you (singular) were slaughtered
and purchased for God in your blood
out of every tribe and tongue and
people and nation
(v. 10) And you made them to our
God a kingdom and priests
and they shall rule upon the earth
(v. 11) And I saw and I heard a voice of many heavenly messengers round about the throne (dat. of location as adv. + partitive genitive? cf. BAG p. 457) and the living things and the elders and their number was myriads or myriads and thousands of thousands (v. 12) saying (speaking?) with (by means of) a great voice:
Worthy is the lamb, the One having
been slaughtered, to receive
the power (Gr. "duvnami"") and the
wealth and wisdom
and strength (Gr. "ijscuv"") and
honor and glory and blessing
(v. 13) And every created thing which (is) in heaven and upon the earth and under the earth and upon the sea and all things in them I heard saying:
To the One sitting upon the throne
and to the lamb (is/be)
the blessing and the honor and the
glory and the power (Gr. "kravto"")
into the ages of ages
(v. 14) And the four living things were saying:
And the elders fell and worshiped.
6:1 And I saw when the lamb opened one of the seven seals and I heard one (gen. of numeral with verb of hearing?) out of the four living things saying (speaking? gen. agreement with antecedent?) like a voice (clap?) of thunder:
Come! (sing. imp.)
(v. 2) And I saw and, behold, a white horse
and the One sitting upon him (it?) having a bow and a crown was given to
him and he went out triumphing and in order that he might triumph.
(v. 3) And when he opened the seal,
the second one, I heard the second living thing saying:
(v. 4) And another red horse and the One
sitting upon him (it?) it was given to him to receive (to take?) the peace
out of the earth and in order that they might slaughter one another and
a great sword was given to him.
(v. 5) And when he opened the seal,
the third one, I heard the third living thing saying:
And I saw and, behold, a black horse and the One sitting upon him (it?) having a yoke in his hand. (v. 6) And I heard like a voice in the midst of the four living things saying (pres. ptcp. agreeing with voice):
A measure of grain of a denarius
(worth?) and three measures barleys
of a denarius (worth?) and regarding
the oil and the wine do not do unjustly!
(v. 7) And when he opened the seal, the fourth one, I heard a voice of the fourth living thing saying:
(v. 8) And I saw and, behold, a yellow (blond,
palomino, green?) horse and the One sitting a top (Gr. "ejpavnw") him (it?),
the name to him (was) "Death," and Hades was following (t.t. in "discipleship"?)
with him and authority was given to them upon the fourth of the earth to
kill in the sword and in famine and in death and under (by the agency of?)
the wild animals of the earth.
(v. 9) And when he opened the fifth
seal I saw down below the altar the souls of the ones having been slaughtered
on account of the word of God and on account of the witness which they
were having. (v. 10) And they cried with a great voice saying:
Until when, Master (Despot?), Holy
and True One, do you not judge
and avenge (repay?) our blood out
of the ones dwelling upon the earth?
(v. 11) And a white robe was given to them,
to each, and it has been (is?) said to them in order that they shall rest
yet a short span of time (Gr. "crovno""), until they be fulfilled and their
co- slaves and their brothered-ones, the ones being about to be killed
like also they themselves.
(v. 12) And I saw when he opened
the seal, the sixth one, and a great seismic disturbance happened and the
sun became black like hair-sackcloth and the entire moon became like blood
(v. 13) and the stars of the heaven fell into the earth, like a "syke tree"
(fig, sycamore?) throws its unripe fruit under a great wind while being
shaken. (v. 14) And the heaven was torn back (divided away?) like a book
being rolled (open, up?) and every mountain and island (cf. 1:9) were moved
out of their places. (v. 15) And the kings of the earth and the great ones
and the rulers of a thousand and the wealthy ones and the strong ones and
every slave and freed one hid themselves into the caves and into the rocks
of the mountains. (v. 16) "And they say to the mountains and to the rocks,
'Fall (plural) upon us' and 'hide us' from the face of the One sitting
upon the throne and from the wrath of the lamb," (v. 17) because the day,
the great one of their wrath, went (passed?) and who is able to stand?
After this thing I saw four heavenly messengers, having stood (pfc. ptcp.
= "still standing" Gr. "histemi") at the four corners of the earth, being
powerful with respect to the four winds of the earth in order that the
wind might not blow upon the earth nor upon the sea nor upon every tree.
(v. 2) And I saw another heavenly messenger going up from the rising of
the sun (= the east) having the seal of the living God, and he (it?) cried
by means of a great voice to the four heavenly messengers to whom was given
to them to do injustice (to = to do destruction to? Gr. "adikeo") the earth
and the sea (v. 3) saying, "do not do injustice to the earth nor
the sea nor the trees until (used with the subj. cf. BAG p.129) we seal
the slaves of our God upon their foreheads (cf. Gr. "pros-opon" [face]
here "met-opon"; also BAG p. 515).
(v. 4) And I heard the number of the ones having been sealed, one hundred
forty-four thousands, having been sealed out of every tribe of the sons
of Israel:
(v. 5) out of the tribe of Judah twelve thousands having been sealed ones
out of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Gad twelve thousands
(v. 6) out of the tribe of Ascher twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Nephthalim twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousands
(v. 7) out of the tribe of Symeon twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Levi twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousands
(v. 8) out of the tribe of Zebulin twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousands
out of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousands having been sealed ones.
(v. 9) After these things I saw and, behold, a great crowd, which to number him (= it) no one was able, out of every nation and [out of] tribes and peoples and tongues having stood (= still standing) before the throne and before the lamb having been clothed (pl. pfc. ptcp) with respect to white robes (Gr. "stolas") and palm branches (Gr. "phoinikes") [were] in their hands. (v. 10) And they cry with a great voice saying,
"Salvation [is/be!] to our God, to the One sitting upon the throne and to the lamb!"
(v. 11) And all the heavenly messengers have stood (pfc. = "still are standing") encircling the throne and the elders and the four living things and they fell before the throne upon their faces and they worshiped God (v. 12) saying,
"Amen, the blessing (Gr. "eulogia"), and the glory, and the wisdom, and the thanksgiving (Gr. "eucharistia"), and the honor, and the power (Gr. "dynamis"), and the strength (Gr. "ischys") [are/be/belong?] to our God into the ages of the ages (= forever?). Amen.
(v. 13) And one out of the responded saying to me, "These [are] the ones having been clothed (pfc. = "still are clothed") with respect to the robes the white ones, who are they and whence did they come?" (v. 14) And I said to him, "My lord, you know." And he said to me,
"These are the ones coming out of the struggle
the great one
and they washed their robes
and they whitened them in the blood of
the lamb
(v. 15) on account of this thing they are
before the throne of God
and they serve (Gr."latreuo") him day and
night in (among?) in his temple
and the One sitting upon the throne will
dwell (Gr. skenoo) over them
(v. 16) they shall not hunger yet nor shall
they thirst yet
nor shall the sun fall (= set) upon them
nor every burning heat (Gr."kauma").
(v. 17) because the lamb the one up in
the midst of the throne shall shepherd them
and he shall path-lead them upon (= to/at?)
the fountains of waters of life
and God shall wipe away every tear out
of their eyes.
8:1 And when he opened the seal, the seventh one [cf. link to sabbath, week, and hour? BAG, pp. 212f] it became silent in heaven as (Gr. "hos" = approximately? temp. conj.? BAG. p. 899) one-half hour [hapax!]. (v. 2) And I saw the seven heavenly messengers who before God have been standing (pfc. ptcp. = still are standing) and seven trumpets were given to them. (v. 3) And another heavenly messenger went and stood upon (at?) the altar of sacrifice (who) having (holding?) a golden censer and were given to him (it?) many incense offerings in order that he shall give (offer?) [fut. ind. not subjunc. cf. text-critique. theol. issue?] with respect to the prayers of all the holy ones upon the altar of sacrifice the golden thing the one before the throne (v. 4) and the smoke of the incense offerings with respect to the prayers of the holy ones went up out of the hand of the heavenly messenger before God. (v. 5) And the heavenly messenger received the censer and filled (Gr. "jemizo" not "pleroo" etc) him (= it) out of the fire of the altar of sacrifice and he threw it into the earth, and there became thunders and voices (?) and lightnings and an earthquake.
(v. 6) And the seven heavenly messengers, the ones having the seven trumpets,
prepared them in order that they might (here, subjunc. cf. above v. 3)
they might trumpet.
(v. 7) And the first one trumpeted, and hail happened and fire having been
mixed in blood and it was (= they were) thrown into the earth, and the
third part of the earth was incinerated (= burned utterly!) and the third
part ofthe trees was incinerated and all green grass was incinerated.
(v. 8) And the second heavenly messenger trumpeted and like a great mountain
by means of fire burning was thrown into the sea, and the third part of
the sea became blood (v. 9) and the third part of the creatures of the
ones in the sea died, the ones having souls (!), and the third part of
the boats were destroyed (Gr. "diaphtheiro").
(v. 10) And the third heavenly messenger trumpeted, and a great star fell
out of heaven (= the sky?) burning as (Gr. "hos") a torch (= anc. lamp)
and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the springs of the
waters (v. 11) and the name of the star is called "Apsinthos" and the third
part of the waters happened (became?) into "apsinthos"(= wormwood)
and many of the people died out of the waters because they (= "waters"
or "people"?) were embittered (Gr. "pikraino").
(v. 12) And the fourth heavenly messenger trumpeted, and the third part
of the sun was struck (Gr. "plesso") and the third part of the moon and
the third part of the stars in order that the third part of them might
become dark and the day might not appear, the third part of her (= the
day) and the night similarly (Gr. "homoios").
(v. 13) And I saw and I heard one of the birds of prey (vulture? eagle?)
in the mid-heaven saying with respect to a great voice, " Ouai (= woe)!
ouai! ouai! regarding the ones living (dwelling? Gr. "katoikeo") upon the
earth out of the remaining voices (trumpet sounds?) of the trumpet of the
three heavenly messengers, the ones about to trumpet!
And the fifth heavenly messenger trumpeted. And I saw stars out of heaven
having fallen (pfc. ptcp) into the earth and the key of the well of the
abyss (Gr. "abyssos" t.t. = unfathomable depth > home of the dead and of
evil spirits?) was given to him (it?). (v. 2) And he (it?) opened
the well of the abyss and smoke went up out of the well as smoke of a great
oven (furnace?), and the sun and the air became dark (Gr. "skotoo" not
"skotizo" cf. text-critique) out of the smoke of the well. (v. 3) And out
of the smoke went out locusts (Gr. "akrides") into the earth and to them
authority was given as the scorpions of the earth have authority.
(v. 4) And it has been said (Gr. "errethe" = aor. pass. of "eipon/lego")
to them in order that they not harm (= do injustice to) the grass of the
earth neither all the green nor every tree except (= but?) the human beings
whosoever do not have the seal of God upon the foreheads (Gr. "metopon").
(v. 5) And it was given to them (cf. text-critique re: gender) in order
that they not kill them, but in order that they shall be tortured five
months (acc. of extent of time) and the torture of them [is] as the torture
of a scorpion when it strikes (Gr. "paio") a human being. (v. 6) And in
those days human beings will seek death and they shall definitely not (double
negative!) find it, and they shall yearn (Gr. "epithumeo") to die
and death flees from them!
(v. 7) And the forms (Gr. "homoiomata" = likenesses) of the locusts [are]
like (wordplay - neut. pl.) to horses having been prepared into war and
upon their heads as crowns like to gold (cf. earlier discussion of likeness
language!) and their faces [are] as the faces of human beings, (v. 8) and
they have hairs (= manes?) as the hairs of women and their teeth were as
[those] of lions (v. 9) and they have chest armour as the chest armour
of iron and the voice (= sound?) of their wings [are/were] as the voice
of many horse chariots speeding (Gr. = running) into war. (v.
10) And they have tails like to scorpions and [they have] goads (= stingers?),
and in their tails [is] their authority to harm (= do injustice to) human
beings five months, (v. 11) they have upon (over?) them a king, the heavenly
messenger (cf. earlier discussion of "angel" terminology) of the abyss,
a name to him (it?) in Hebrew [is] "Abaddon" and in Greek he (it?) has
the name "Apolluos."
(v. 12) The woe, the first one, went away; behold, it comes still two woes
after these things!
(v. 13) And the sixth heavenly messenger trumpeted. And I heard one voice
(sound?) out of the (four) [cf. text-critique!] horns of the golden sacrificial
altar, of the one before God,
(v. 14) saying to the sixth heavenly messenger, the one having the trumpet,
"loose (= release?) the four heavenly messengers, the ones having been
bound at the river, the great one, Euphrates. (v. 15) And the four heavenly
messengers, the ones having been prepared into the hour and day and month
and year, were loosed (= released?) in order that they might kill the third
(part) of the human beings. (v. 16) And the number of the armies of the
cavalry [is/was] two myriads of myriads, I heard their number.
(v. 17) And thus I saw the horses in the vision (Gr. "horasis") and the
ones sitting upon them, having chest armour (pl.) fired (= "fire-colored"?)
and sapphirous (pl.) and sulphurous (pl.) and the heads of the horses [are]
like the heads of lions, and out of their mouths went out fire and smoke
and sulphur. (v. 18) From those three blows (Gr. "plege" = stripes, strokes?)
they kill the third (part) of human beings, out of the fire and the smoke
and the sulphur of that which is going of out their mouths. (v. 19) For
the authority of the horses is in their mouth and in their tails, for their
tails [are] like to snakes [they] having heads also they do harm (= do
injustice to) among them (pres. pron. fem. dat. pl. = the "blows"?).
(v. 20) And the remaining ones of the human beings, who (pl.) did not die
in these blows, neither did they repent out of the works of their hands,
in order that they shall not worship the demons and the idols, the golden
and silver and bronze and stone and wooden ones, which are neither able
to see nor to hear not to walk, (v. 21) and they did not repent out of
their murders nor out of their drugs (= sorceries?) nor out of their practices
of destructive sexuality nor out of their thefts.
And I saw another powerful heavenly messenger descending out of the heaven
having been clothed with respect to a cloud, and the rainbow upon his (its?)
head and his (its?) face [was] as the sun and the feet of him (it?) [were]
as pillars of fire (v. 2) and having in the hand of him (it?) a little
papyrus scroll (Gr. "biblaridion") having been opened. And he (it?) placed
his (its?) right foot upon the sea, and (Gr. "de") the left (lit. = the
well-named) one upon the earth, (v. 3) and he (it?) cried (= yelled, screamed,
shouted?) by means of a great voice as though a lion roars (Gr. "mykao"
not "oruo"). And when he (it?) cried the seven thunders spoke their
own voices. (v. 4) And when the seven thunders spoke I was about to write
and I heard a voice out of the heaven saying, "Seal what things the seven
thunders spoke and do not write them!
(v. 5) And the heavenly messenger, whom I saw having stood upon the sea
and upon the earth, raised (3 per. sing. 1 aor. act. ind. of "airo") his
(its?) right hand into heaven (v. 6) and he swore an oath (Gr. "omnuo")
in the living One into the ages of the ages, who created the heaven
and the things in it and the earth and the things in it (her?) and the
sea and the things in it (her?), because time (Gr. "chronos") no longer
(yet?) is. (v.7) But in those days of the voice of the seventh heavenly
messenger when he (it?) is about to trumpet, and the mystery of God has
been realized as he (it?) gospelled his (its?) own slaves the prophets.
(v. 8) And the voice which I heard out of the heaven again speaking with
me and saying, "go down, take the book, the one having been opened in the
hand of the heavenly messenger , the one having stood upon the sea and
upon the earth. (v. 9) And I went away (cf. form) toward the heavenly messenger
saying to him (it?)"to give to me the little scroll." And he (it?) said
(= says), "take and eat it heartily!" It will make bitter your stomach
, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.
(v. 10) And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the heavenly messenger
and I ate it heartily and it was in my mouth as sweet honey and when I
ate it my stomach was made bitter. (v. 11) And they (pl. ?) say to me,
"it is necessary for you again to prophesy upon the peoples and nations
and tongues and many kings.
And a reed (pen?) like a staff was given to me [he?] saying, "Rise and
measure the temple of God and the sacrificial altar and the ones worshipping
in it (v. 2) and the court yard, the outer one of the temple, throw out
from outside and do not measure it because it was given to the nations
and the city the holy one and they will tread [for a time span] forty-two
(v. 3) And I will give to my two witnesses and they shall prophesy one
thousand two hundred sixty-six days having been clothed [in] sackcloths
(pl.). (v. 4) These ones are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks
the ones standing before the Lord of the earth. (v. 5) And if anyone wishes
to harm (do injustice to) them fire goes out out of their mouth (sing.)
and it (fire?) consumes (= burns up) their enemies; and if anyone should
wish to harm them thus it is necessary to kill him. (v. 6) These ones have
the authority to shut (= lock up?) the heaven, in order that it may not
rain a rain for the extent of time of their prophecy and they have authority
over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth in every
blow as often as they might wish.
(v. 7) And when complete their witness, the beast (Gr. "therion") the one
coming up out of the abyss will make war with them and will conquer them
and kill them. (v. 8) And their corpse upon the public square of the city
the great one, which is called in spiritual terms Sodom and Egypt, where
also their Lord was crucified. (v. 9) And they look out of the peoples
and tribes and tongues and nations their corpse (sing.) for a period extending
over three days and a half and their corpses (pl.) they did not permit
to be put into a tomb. (v. 10) And the ones dwelling (Gr. lit = "house-dwelling")
upon the earth rejoice upon them and exult and presents they will send
to one another because these two prophets tortured the ones dwelling upon
the earth.
(v. 11) And after the three days and a half the Spirit of life out of God
went into among them and they stood upon their feet and a great fear fell
upon the ones observing them. (v. 12) And they heard a great voice out
of the heaven saying to them, "Come up here!" And they went up into the
heaven in a cloud and their enemies observed them. (v. 13) And in that
hour a great earthquake happened and the tenth (part) of the city fell
and the names of people seven thousands were killed in the earthquake and
the rest became fearful and gave glory to the God of heaven.
(v. 14) The woe, the second one, went away; behold, the woe the third one,
comes suddenly!
(v. 15) And the seventh heavenly messenger trumpeted. And great voices
happened in the heaven saying:
"The kingdom of the cosmos of our Lord
happened and of his Christ
and he shall rule as king into the ages
of the ages!"
(v. 16) And the twenty-four elders, the
ones before God [who are] sitting upon their thrones fell down upon their
faces and they worshipped God (v. 17) saying:
"We thank you, Lord God, the almighty One
the One being and the One who was
because you have received your great power
and you reigned as king
(v. 18) and the nations have been wrathed
and your wrath came
and the time (Gr. "kairos") of the dead
ones to be judged
and to give the payment (= reward?) to
your slaves the prophets
and to the holy ones and to the ones fearing
your name
the small ones and the great ones
and to destroy the ones destroying the
(v. 19) And the temple of God, the one
in the heaven, opened and the ark of his covenant appeared in his
temple and flashes of lightning and voices (= sounds?) and claps of thunder
and an earthquake and a great hail (storm?) happened.
And a great sign appeared in the heaven, a woman having been clothed with
respect to the sun, and the moon [was] underneath her feet and upon her
head [was] a crown of twelve stars, (v. 2) and having [conceived] in the
womb and she cries (shouts?) while suffering birthpangs and while being
tormented to give birth. (v. 3) And another sign appeared in the heaven,
and behold, a great fiery (red?) dragon (serpent?) having seven heads and
ten horns and upon his (its?) heads [were] seven diadems (crowns?), (v.
4) and his (its?) tail sweeps (pulls, drags?) away the third (part) of
the stars of the heaven and he (it?) threw them into the earth. And the
dragon stood before the woman, the one about to give birth, in order that
when she births her child he (it?) may devour it. (v. 5) And she birthed
a son, a male thing (neut. ?), who is about to shepherd all nations in
a an iron rod and her child was seized away toward God and toward his throne.
(v. 6) And the woman fled into the desert where she has there a place having
been prepared away from God in order that there they might tend her a thousand
two hundred sixty days.
(v. 7) And a war happened in the heaven; Michael and his heavenly messengers
(?) the to make (=inorder to make) war with the dragon. And the dragon
made war and the heavenly messengers (?) of him, (v. 8) and he (it?) was
not strong nor was the place of them found yet in the heaven. (v. 9) And
the dragon, the great one, the snake, the ancient one, the one being called
"diabolos" and "Satan," the one deceiving (leading astray?) the entire
inhabited earth, was thrown into the earth and the angels of him (it?)
with him (it?) were thrown. (v. 10) And I heard a great voice in the heaven
"Then happened the salvation and the power
and the reign of our God
and the authority of his Christ (anointed One?)
because the accuser of our brothered-ones has been thrown
the one accusing them before our God
day and night [gen. of time within which]
(v. 11) and they conquered him (it?) on account of the blood of the Lamb
and on account of the word of their witness
and they did not love their soul (life?) until death.
(v. 12) on account of this thing you all be glad, the heavens
and the ones tent-dwelling in them.
woe (be with respect to) earth and sea
because Diabolos came down to you (pl.)
having a great rage
having known that a brief critical hour (Gr. "kairos") he (it?) has!
(v. 13) And when the dragon saw that he
(it?) was thrown into the earth, he (it?) persecuted (pursued?) the woman,
even the one who birthed the male one. (v. 14) And the two winged ones
of the air, the great one, gave to the woman in order that she might wing
(= fly?) into the desert into the place of her, where she is tended there
a critical time and (chronological) times and for half a critical
hour (cf. time usage and grammatical cases!) from the face of the snake.
(v. 15) And the snake threw out of his (its?) mouth behind the woman water
as a river in order that he (it?) might make her an overwhelmed-by-the-river
one (= drowned one?). (v. 16) And the earth came to the aid of the
woman and the earth opened her (its?) mouth and gulped down the river which
the dragon threw out of his (its?) mouth. (v. 17) And the dragon became
wrathful upon the woman and went away to make war with the remaining ones
of her seed of the ones keeping the commandments of God and having the
witness of Jesus.
(v. 18) And it stood (Gr. aor. pass. of "histemi") upon the sand of the
And I saw a beast (a wild animal?) going up out of the sea, having ten
horns and seven heads and upon his (its?) horns ten diadems (crowns?) and
upon his (its?) heads [was/is/were?] a name (or pl.? cf text-critique)
of blasphemy! (v. 2) And the beast which I saw was similar (cf. earlier
discussion of "likeness") to a leopard (hapax for NT) and his (its?) feet
[were/are?] as (those) of a bear (also hapax) and his (its?) mouth [was]
as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave to him (it?) his (its?) power
and his (its?) throne and great authority. (v. 3) And as regards one of
his (its?) heads [it was] as having been slaughtered into death, and the
blow (wound?) of his (its?) death was healed.
And the whole earth astonished (was in marvel?) behind the beast (v. 4)
and they worshiped the dragon because he (it?) gave the authority to the
beast, and they worshiped the beast saying, "who is like (similar to?)
the beast and who is able too make war with him (it?)?"
(v. 5) And a mouth was given to him (it?)
to express great things and blasphemies and authority was given to him
(it?) to do (practice?) (this) for forthy and two months. (v. 6) And he
(it?)opened his (its?) mouth into blasphemies toward God to blaspheme his
(?) name and his (?) tent, the ones tenting in heaven. (v. 7) And it was
given to him (it?) to make war (Gr. "poieo polemon") with the holy ones
(saints?) and to conquer them, and authority was given upon (over?)
every tribe and people and tongue and nation. (v. 8) And all the inhabitants
upon the earth will worship him (it?), of whom his (its?) name has not
been written in the book of life of the Lamb of the One having been slaughtered
from the foundation of the cosmos.
(v. 9) If anyone has ears let that one hear!
(v. 10) If anyone [goes?] into captivity,
into captivity he (she/it?) goes;
if anyone in (by?) the sword is to be killed, he (such a one?) is in (by?)
the sword to be killed.
Here is the endurance (patience?) and the
faith of the holy ones.
(v. 11) And I saw another beast coming up our of the earth, and it had
two horns similar to the Lamb and it was talking as a dragon. (v. 12) And
it makes (does?) all the authority of the first beast before it, and it
makes (does?) the earth and the ones dwelling in her (it?) in order that
they will worship the beast the first one, of whom the blow of its death
healed. (v. 13) And it makes (does?) great signs in order that it might
make fire to come down out of heaven into the earth before human beings,
(v.14) and it might deceive the inhabitants upon the earth on account of
the signs which were given to him (it?) to make before the beast saying
to the ones dwelling upon the earthto make an image to the beast, which
(who?) has the blow of the sword and lived.
(v. 15) And it was given to it to give spirit
to the image of the beast in order that also the image of the beast should
speak and should make (do?) in order that however so many if they should
not worship the image of the beast they should be killed. (v. 16) And it
makes all (ones) those small and great, and the wealthy ones and the poor
ones, and the free ones and the slaves in order that they might give to
them a mark upon the hand of them, the right one, or upon the forehead
of them (v. 17) and in order that no one might be able to buy or to sell
if the one does not have the mark, the name of the beast or the number
of his (its?) name.
(v. 18) Here is the wisdom. The one having understanding let that one reckon
(count?) the number of the beast, for the number is of a human being and
the number of it [is] six hundred sixty-six.
And I saw, and behold, the Lamb stood upon the mountain Zion and with him
(it?) one hundred forty four thousands having his (its?) name and the name
of his (its?) Father having been written upon their foreheads. (v. 2) And
I heard a voice out of the heaven as a voice of many waters and as a voice
of a great thunder and the voice which I heard [was] as of harpists harping
in (= with?) their harps. (v. 3) And ode as an new ode before the throne
and before the four living things and the elders and no one was able to
learn the ode except the one hundred forty four thousands, the ones having
been purchased from the earth.
And I heard [NB. contrast to the "I saw" of chs. 13:1; 14:1; 15:1; also
cf. below, v. 13] a great (= loud?) voice out of the temple saying to the
seven heavenly messengers, "Lead down (2nd. pl. imp.; go down?) and pour
(= empty?) out the seven bowls of the fury of God into the earth!" (v.
2) And the first (heavenly messenger) went away and was pouring out his
(its?) bowl into the earth and an evil and wicked (festering) sore (ulcer?)
came about upon the human beings the ones having the mark (stamp?) of the
beast and the ones worshiping his (its?) image (Gr. "eikon").
And one out of the seven heavenly messengers of the ones having the seven
bowls cme and spoke with me saying, "here (or, come), I shall show
to you the judgment of the great prostitute, the one sitting upon the many
waters, (v. 2) with whom the kings of the earth engaged in sexual destruction
and the ones inhabiting (Gr. "katoikeo") the earth became drunk of (on?)
the wine of her destructive sexuality. (v. 3) And he (it?) led me up into
the desert in the s(S)pirit.
After these things I saw another heavenly messenger coming down out of
the heaven having great authority (unusual phrase?) and the earth was illuminated
(lighted?) out of the glory of him (it?; also unusual phrase?). (v. 2)
and he (it?) cried out in a strong (powerful? also unusual phrase?) voice
After these things I heard as (like?) a great voice of a large crowd in
the heaven saying:
[DH] (v.11) And I saw the heaven
being opened, and behold, a white [shining?] horse, and the one sitting
upon it [is] [called] faithful and true, and in/with righteousness he is
judging and he is waging war. (v.12) But/and the eyes of him [are/were]
[like] a flame of fire, and upon the head of him [are/were] many diadems/crowns,
having a name written which no one knows except himself, (v.13) and [he
has] a garment thrown around [him] [that is/was] dipped in/with blood,
and the name of him is called the word of [the] God.
And/then I saw an angel [a divine messenger?] coming down out of the heaven,
having the key of the abyss and a great chain [up]on the hand of him.
(v.2) And he held/seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, who/which
is [the] Diabolos/Devil and the Satan[as], and he bound [imprisoned?] him
a thousand years (v.3) and he cast him into the abyss and locked [him]
up and he sealed [it] over him, in order that he might not still lead astray
the nations until the thousand years might be completed. After these things
it is necessary for him to be loosed for a little time [a short while?
-- note: the word for time in the Gr is 'chronos!'].
And/then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven
and the first earth went away and the lake/sea is not anymore. (v.2) And/then
I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down out of the heaven from
[the] God, being prepared like a bride adorned for [to?] her man/husband.
(v.3) And I heard a great [loud?] voice from the throne, saying:
And s/he showed to me a river of water of life, shining like crystal, going
out of from the throne of [the] God and of the lamb. (v.2) In [the]
middle of her street and of the river from here and from there [is] a tree
of life making twelve fruits, according to each month giving away [relinquishing]
its fruit, and the leaves of the tree [are] into [for?] healing [DH - is
therapeia a household image?] of the nations. (v.3) And nothing standing
under God's curse will be there anymore. And the throne of [the]
God and of the lamb will be in her, and the slaves of him [of God, of the
lamb?] will serve [worship?] him [God, the lamb?] (v.4) and they will see
his face {God's, the lamb's?], and his [whose?] name [will be] [up]on their
foreheads. (v.5) And night will not be anymore and they [?]
have no need of light of a lamp and of light of a sun, because [the] Lord
God will shine [up]on them, and they will be kings [reign?] forever and
(v.6) And he said
to me. "Theses words [are] faithful/reliable/trustworthy and true,
and the Lord [the] God of the spirits of the prophets sent [with a commission]
his divine messenger [angel?] [in order] to show to his slaves the things
that are necessary to become in a short while/soon [cf. 1:1 !!!].
(v.7) And behold, I am coming quickly [soon?]. Blessed [by
God] is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."
(v.21) The grace of the Lord Jesus
[be, is?] with all [everyone].
© 1998- Dr. John E.
Alsup - all rights reserved
(v. 4) These are the ones who were not defiled (polluted?) with women,
for they are virgins (antecedent = "anthropoi"? cf. BAG, p. 627), the ones
having followed in discipleship to the Lamb wherever he (it?) might lead,
these haven been purchased from human beings the first fruits (Gr. sing.
"aparche" cf. BAG, p. 81) to God and to the Lamb, (v. 5) and in their mouth
was not found falsehood, they are innocent ones.
(v. 6) And I saw another heavenly messenger flying in the mid-heaven realm
(?) having an eternal gospel to gospel upon the ones sitting upon the earth
and upon every nation and tribe and tongue and people, (v. 7) saying in
(with?) a great voice:
"you (pl.) fear God and give to him glory because the hour (Gr. "hora")
of his judgment came, and you (pl.) worship the One having
made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the fountains
(springs?) of waters!"
(v. 8) And another second heavenly
messenger followed (t.t. in discipleship?) saying:
"Fell, fell Babylon the great one, which out of the wine of the passion
(Gr. "thumos" wrath, anger?) of her (its?) destructive sexuality
all the nations have drunk."
(v. 9) And another third heavenly messenger
followed (t.t. as above?) them saying in a great voice:
"If anyone worships the beast and the image of it (him?) and receives the
mark upon the forehead of him (or her?) or upon the hand of him (or her?),
(v. 10) also he himself (herself? antecedent "anthropos") shall drink
out of the wine of the passion of God the One having mixed unmixed (= full
strength) wine (cf. BAG, p. 33) in the cup of his wrath and shall be tormented
in fire and sulphur before the holy heavenly messengers and before the
Lamb. (v. 11) And the smoke of the torment of them into the ages of the
ages ascends and the ones having worshiped the beast and the image of him
(it?) have no rest day or night and if anyone receives the mark of the
name of him (it?). (v. 12) Here is the endurance (patience?) of the holy
ones, the ones having kept the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus
(= in Jesus? obj. gen.?)."
(v. 13) And I heard a voice out of the
heaven saying: "write!" (sing.):
"Blessed [are] the dead ones, the ones having been killed in the Lord from
the now (time?). Yes, says the s(S)pirit, in order that they shall be given
rest (Gr. "anapauo" 2nd. future passive! BAG, p. 59) from their labors
for the works of them follow (t.t. as above?) with them."
(v. 14) And I saw, and behold a white
cloud, and upon the cloud [was] sitting like-a-son-of-man One, having upon
his (its?) head a golden crown and in the hand of him (it?) [was] a sharp
sickle. (v. 15) And another heavenly messenger came out of the temple crying
in a great voice to the One sitting upon the cloud:
"Send your sickle and reap (harvest?) because the hour came to reap (harvest?),
because the harvest of the earth has become withered (dry?)!"
(v. 16) And the One sitting upon the cloud
threw his sickle upon the earth and the earth was harvested.
(v. 17) And another heavenly messenger came out of the temple, the one
in heaven, having also himself (itself?) a sharp sickle. (v. 18) and another
heavenly messenger came out out of the altar of sacrifice, the one having
authority upon (over?) the fire and he (it?) voiced with a great voice
to the one having the sickle, the sharp one, saying: "Send your sickle,
the sharp one, and gather (pick?) a bunch of grapes of the vine of the
earth because her (its?) bunches of ripe grapes have ripened." (v. 19)
And the heavenly messenger threw his (its?) sickle into the earth and he
(it?) gathered a bunch of grapes of the vine of the earth and he (it?)
threw into the great wine-press of the anger of God. (v. 20) And
the wine-press was trod outside of the city and blood came out out of the
wine-press (up?)until the bridles (bits?) of the horses from [a distance]
a thousand and six hundred stades.
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15:1 And I saw another sign in the heaven, a great and marvelous (=terrible? as t.t. combination?) one, [namely] seven heavenly messengers having seven final blows (strikes of fate? cf. also vv. 6&8; and 9:18, 20; 11:6; 16:9, 21; 18:4,8; 21:9; 22:18) because in them the fury (Gr. "thumos" not "orge") of God was completed.
(v. 2) And I saw as (like?) a glass sea having been mixed with fire and the ones overcoming out of the beast and out of the image of him (it?) and out of the number of the name of him (it?) having stood upon the sea the glass one having harps of God. (v. 3) And they ode the ode of Moses the slave of God and the ode of the Lamb saying:great and terrible (marvelous?) [are] your (sing.) works,
Lord God, the Almighty One,
righteous and true [are] your (sing.) paths,
King of the nations;
(v. 4)who may not (utterly) fear, Lord,
and will (not?) glorify you (sing.) name?
because (there is) one (that is) holy (pious?)
because all nations will come (Gr. "heko"-"ago"?)
and they will worship before you (sing.)
because your (sing.) righteousnesses (acts? judgments? = neuter pl.) have been
made manifest.
(v. 5) And after these things I saw and the temple of the tent of the witness in the heaven was opened, (v. 6) and the seven heavenly messengers the ones having the seven blows came out out of the temple having been clothed with respect to clean bright linen and having been girded (Gr. "perizonnumi") around around with respect to [their] breast (chests?) [with] golden girdles (belts?). (v. 7) And one out of the four living things gave to the seven heavenly messengers seven golden bowls (Gr. "phiale"-Eng. vial, phial?) being full of the fury of God the living One into the ages of the ages. (v. 8) And the temple was full of smoke out of the glory of God and out of the power (Gr. "dynamis") of him, and no one was able to come into into the temple until the seven blows of the seven heavenly messengers might be completed.
(v. 3) And the second
(as in v. 2) was pouring out his (its?) bowl into the sea and blood as
(like?) of death came about and every soul of the living (kind of soul?)
died with respect to the things in the sea.
(v. 4) And the third
(as in v. 3) was pouring out his (its?) bowl into the rivers and springs
of the waters and blood came about. (v. 5) And I heard the heavenly messenger
of the waters (= ??) saying:
"You (sing.) are righteous, the One being and the One who was, the holy
One (Gr. "hosios"; NB. alternate to "the coming One"? cf. v. 15 below?),
(v. 8) And the fourth (as
in v. 4) was pouring out his (its?) bowl upon (NB. not "into") the sun
and it was given to him (it? = the sun?) to burn the human beings in (=
with?) fire. (v. 9) And the human beings were burned with respect to a
great burning and they blasphemed the name of God, the One having the authority
upon (= over?) these blows and they did not repent to give glory to him
(= God? it? the name?).
because you (sing.) judged these
(v. 6) because they poured out the blood of the holy ones and of the prophets
and blood to them you (sing.) gave to drink
worthy are they."
(v. 7) And I heard the sacrificial
altar saying (?!?):
"Yes, Lord God, the Almighty One,
true and righteous (are) your (sing.) judgments."
(v. 10) And the fifth
(as in v. 8) was pouring out his (its?) bowl upon the throne of the beast
and his (its?) kingdom (reign?) became being darkened (perf. pass. ptcp.
+ "ginomai" = equiv. functionally a periphrastic tense? Gr. "skotoo" cf.
text-critique?) and they were gnawing their tongues out of the toil (trouble?),
(v. 11) and they blasphemed the God of the heaven out of their toils (troubles?)
and out of their sores and they did not repent out of their works.
(v. 12) And the sixth
(as in v. 10) was pouring out his (its?) bowl upon the great river the
Euphrates and his (its?) water was dried up in order that the path of the
kings of the ones from the rising of the sun (= of the East?) might be
prepared. (v. 13) And I saw [NB. return to "see" language] out of the mouth
of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of
the false prophet three unclean spirits as (like?) frogs (Gr. "batrachos").
(v. 14) For they are the spirits of demons doing signs which are going
out upon the kings of the entire inhabited (Gr. "oikumene" earth) to lead
them together into the war of the great day of God, the Almighty One. (v.
15) "Behold, I come as a thief!" (God) blesses the one keeping watch and
keeping his/her (antecedent = "anthropos") garments in order that
he/she might not walk about naked and they might see his/her indecency.
And they (= spirits of demons?) were leading them together into the place,
the one being called in Hebrew "Armagedon."
(v. 17) And the seventh
(as in v. 12) was pouring out his (its?) bowl upon the air and a great
(= loud?) voice went out of the temple from the throne saying, "it has
become!" (v. 18) And lightning bolts and voices and thunder claps
became and a great earthquake happened, what sort did not become from which
(idiom > time) a human being became upon the earth so great (massive?)
an earthquake not even so great (massive?). (v. 19) And the
city, the great (massive?) one became into three parts and the cities of
the nations fell. And Babylon the great was recalled before God to give
to her (it?) the cup of the wine of the fury of the wrath of him (God?
it? the cup?). (v. 20) And each island fled and mountains were not
found. (v. 21) And a great hail (storm) as (like?) weights (for measure)
came down out of the heaven upon the human beings and the human beings
blasphemed God out of the blow of the hail because her (its?) blow is exceedingly
great (massive?).
And I saw a woman sitting
upon a crimson beast being full (cf. text-critique: the woman or the beast?)
with respect to the names of blasphemy having (cf. agreement problem, text-criticism)
seven heads and ten horns. (v. 4) And the woman was being clothed (periphrastic
tense) with respect to purple and crimson and was being gold-covered with
gold and with a precious stone and with pearls (Gr. "margarites"), having
(cf. agreement, compare to v. 3) a golden cup in her (its?) hand full of
abominable things and the unclean things of her (its?) destructive sexuality
(v. 5) and upon her (its?) forehead was written a name: "mystery, Babylon
the great, the mother of the sexually destructive and of the abominable
things of the earth. (v. 6) And I saw the woman being drunk out of the
blood of the saints and out of the blood of the martyr-witnesses of Jesus.
And I marvelled having seen her (it?) with respect to a great marvel.
(v. 7) And the heavenly
messenger said to me, "On account of what thing did you marvel? I shall
say to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast, the one bearing her
(it?), the one having the seven heads and the ten horns.
(v. 8) The beast which you saw was and
is not and is about to rise up out of the abyss and is led into destruction
and the inhabitants upon the earth shall marvel, of whom the name has not
been written upon the book of life from the foundation of the cosmos,
of whom seeing the beast that (because?) it was and is not and shall not
be. (v. 9) " Here (is) the mind, the one having wisdom."
The seven heads are the seven mountains where the woman sits upon them.
And the kings are seven. (v. 10) The five fell, the one is (currently),
the other one did not yet come, and when he (it?) comes it is necessary
with respect to him (it?) to remain a little while (acc. of extent of time).
(v. 11) And the beast, the one who was and the one who is not he himself
is also the eighth and is out of the seven ones and he (it?) is led into
destruction. (v. 12) And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings
which did not yet receive dominion, but authority as kings they receive
one hour long (acc. of extent of time) with the beast. (v. 13) These have
one opinion, and the power and their authority they give to the beast.
(v. 14) These will make war with the lamb and the lamb will conquer them
because he (it?) is Lord of lords and King of kings and the ones with him
(it?) (are) called and elect and faithful.
(v. 15) And he (it?)
says to me: "the waters which you saw where the prostitute is sitting,
peoples and crowds they are and nations and tongues. (v. 16) And the ten
horns which you saw and the beast these shall hate the prostitute and they
shall make her (it?) becoming desolate and naked and they shall eat the
flesh (pl.) of her (it?) and they shall burn her (it?) in (= with) fire.
(v. 17) For God gave into their hearts to do his opinion and to do one
opinion and to give their reign to the beast until the words of God shall
have been completed. (v. 18) And the woman which you saw is the city, the
great one, the one having a reign upon the kings of the earth.
"Fell, fell Babylon the great, and
it became the habitation (Gr. "katoiketerion") of demons and a prison of
every unclean spirit and a prison of every unclean bird and a prison of
every unclean beast and of [every] having been mixed thing.
(v. 4) And I heard another voice out
of the heaven saying:
(v. 3) because out of
the wine of the fury of her (its?) destructive sexuality all the nations
have drunk (perf. of "pino") and the kings of the earth engaged with her
in sexual destruction and the merchants of the earth became wealthy
out of the power of her (its?) luxury (wantonness?)."
"My people, you (pl. cf. text-criticism)
came out of her (it?) in order that you (pl.) might not make common cause
with her (its?) sins and (you came out) of the blows of her (it?)
in order that you (pl.) might not receive (them),
(v. 9) And the kings of
the earth will weep (mourn?) and beat the breast in lamentation upon (over?)
her (it?), the ones having lived in destructive sexuality with her (it?)
and having become luxuriant (wanton?), when they might see the smoke of
her (its?) burning (incineration?), (v. 10) from afar having stood on account
of fear of her (its?) torment saying:
(v. 5) because the sins
of her (it?) have been kept close at hand all the way to heaven and God
remembered her (its?) unrighteousnesses. (v. 6) You (pl.) give back to
her (it?) as (like?) also she (it?) gave back (cf. text-criticism) and
you (pl.) double the double things according to her (its?) works,
in the cup with respect to which she (it?) cried out, you (pl.) mix
to double for her (it?), (v. 7) as much as she (it?) glorified herself
(itself?) and became luxurious give (pl.) so great a torture and mourning
(sorrow?) to her (it?), because in her (its?) heart she (it?) says 'I am
seated in queenliness and I am not a widow and I may not at all see mourning.'
(v. 8) On account of this thing in one day her (its?) blows shall come
(Gr. "heko"), death and mourning and famine, and in fire she (it?) will
be burned up because powerful (Gr. "ischuros") (is) the Lord God, the One
having judged her (it?).
"ouai, ouai (woe, woe = oh no, oh no?!), the great city,
(v. 11) And the merchants
of the earth weep (mourn?) and mourn (lament?) upon (over?) her (it?) because
no one no longer is buying their cargo (freight? goods?) (v. 12) cargo
of gold and of silver and of precious stone and of pearls and of fine linen
and of purple and of silk and of crimson , and every citron wood and every
elephantine (= ivory) vessel and every vessel out of most precious (= rare)
wood and out of bronze and out of iron and out of marble, (v. 13) and cinnamon
and spice and incenses and myrrh (ointment) and frankincense and wine and
olive-oil and the finest wheat meal and corn and work animal and sheep
and of horses and of carriages and of bodies (= slaves?), and (even?) the
souls of human beings (=?).
Babylon the powerful (Gr. "ischura" cf. v. 8) city,
because at the one hour (dat. of time when) your (sing.) crisis (judgment)
came."(v. 14) And your (sing.) autumn (fruit?)
of the yearning (lust?) of the soul came (went?) away from you (sing.).
(v. 15) The merchants of
these, the ones having become wealthy from her (it?) from afar they will
stand on account of the fear of her (its?) torment (they) weeping and mourning
(v. 16) saying:
and all richnesses and shinning things (sumptuousnesses?) died away from
you (sing.)
and no longer not at all they will find them (= these things).
"ouai, ouai (woe, woe = oh no, oh no!?) the great city,
(v. 17) because at the one
hour (dat. of time when) such a wealthy one has been made desolate (like
a desert?)." And every helmsman and every one traveling by sea to this
place and sailors and so many as work the sea, from afar stood (v. 18)
and they cried out seeing the smoke of the burning (incineration?) of her
(it?) saying:
the one having been clothed with respect to fine linen and purple and crimson
and having been golded in gold and precious stone and pearl
"ouai, ouai (woe, woe = oh no, oh no!?) the great city,
(v. 21) And one strong (Gr.
"ischuros" cf. vv. 8 & 10 above) heavenly messenger lifted a rock as
(like?) a great millstone and he (it?) threw (it) into the sea saying:
in which all the ones having ships became wealthy
in the sea out of the most preciousness of her (it?),
because at the one hour she (it?) was made desolate.
(v. 20) Be well-disposed (= be glad?) upon (over? at?) her (it??), oh heaven
and the holy ones and the apostles and the prophets
because God judged your (pl.) judgment out of her (it?)."
"Thus with a mighty impulse (Gr. "hormema" sudden blast) Babylon the great
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city will be thrown
and it may not at all be found yet.
(v. 22) and the voice of harpists and musicians (choirs?) and flute-players
and of buglers
no longer at all may be heard in you (sing.) yet,
and every artisan (designer, technician?) of every art
no longer at all may be found yet,
and the voice (= sound?) of the mill
no longer at all may be heard in you yet,
and the light of the lamp
no longer at all may be appear in you yet
and the voice of the bride groom and of the bride
no longer at all may be heard in you yet,
because your (sing.) merchants were the great ones of the earth,
because in your (sing.) drugging (= sorcery>idolatry?) all nations have
been caused to go astray,
and in her (it?) the blood of the prophets and of the holy ones is found
and of all the ones having been slaughtered (sacrificed?) upon the earth.
"Allelouia! (contrast to the sound of "ouai"?!)
(v. 3) And they spoke a second (time):
The salvation and the glory and the power of our God
(v. 2) because true and righteous (are) your (sing.) judgments (crises?),
because he judged the great prostitute
which corrupted (seduced?) the earth in her (its?) destructive sexuality,
and he vindicated the blood of his slaves out of the hand of her (it?)."
"Allelouia (cf. above v. 1)
(v. 4) And the twenty-four elders and the four
living things fell and the worshiped God, the One sitting upon the throne
And the smoke of her (it?) rises into the ages of the ages."
"Amen Allelouia!"
(v. 5) And a voice from the throne came out
"You (pl.) praise our God
(v. 6) And I heard as (like?) a voice of a
large crowd and as (like?) a voice of many waters and as (like?) a voice
of powerful (Gr. "ischuros" cf. above, vv. 8, 10, 21) thunder claps saying:
all the slaves of him (?)
and the ones fearing him (?)
the small ones and the great ones!"
"Allelouia (cf. above vv. 1, 3, 4)
for the fine linen is (equal to?) the righteousnesses
of the holy ones.
because the Lord (our) God, the Almighty One, reigned.
(v. 7) let us rejoice and let us exult and let us give glory to him,
because the marriage of the lamb came and his bride prepared herself (?)
(v. 8) and it was given to her (?) in order that she (?) might be clothed
with respect fine, bright, clean linen,
(v. 9) And he (?) says
to me, "Write! (God) blesses those who into the wedding feast of the marriage
of the lamb have been called!" And he (?) says to me, "These (are) the
true words of God." (v. 10) And I fell before the feet of him (it?) to
worship him (it?). And he (?) says to me, "See not (that you do this?)!
I am the co-slave of you (sing.) and of the brothered-ones of you (sing.),
the ones having the martyr-witness of Jesus; worship God! For the martyr-witness
of Jesus is the s(S)pirit of (the?) prophecy."
(v.14) And the armies, the ones in
the heaven, were following [continued to follow?] him upon white [shining?]
horses, while being dressed with respect to a thing made of fine linen,
white [and] pure. (v.15) And out of the mouth of him is coming
out a large, sharp sword [intense pain?], in order that with it he might
strike down the nations, and he himself will tend them like a shepherd
with an iron rod, and he himself will tread the wine press of the fury
of the wrath of God [cf. 16:19], the one who rules over everything [the
Almighty?]. (v.16) And he is having [up]on the garment [of
him] and [up]on the thigh of him a name written: 'King of kings and
Lord of lords.'
(v.17) And I saw
one [some?] angel having been standing in the sun and he cried out in/with
a loud/great voice saying to all the birds, the ones flying in mid heaven
[high in the sky]: "Come here, gather together into the great meal
of God (v.18) in order that you may eat corpses [flesh?] of kings and corpses
[flesh?] of military leaders and corpses [flesh?] of mighty ones and corpses
[flesh?] of horses and of the ones sitting [up]on them and corpses [flesh?]
of all free ones as well as of slaves and of small [insignificant?] ones
and of great ones.
(v.19) And I saw
the animal/beast and the kings of the earth and the armies of them gathered
to make/wage the war with/against the one sitting [up]on the horse and
with/against the army of him. (v.20) And the animal/beast was
seized and with it the Pseudo-prophet, the one who made the signs in the
presence of it [him?], with which he led astray the one who received the
imprint [stamp?] of the beast and the ones who fell down before [worshiped?]
the icon [image?] of it; while living, the two were thrown into the
lake of the fire, the burning- with-sulfur one. (v.21) And the rest
were killed with the large sword of the one sitting [up]on the horse,
with the one that came out of the mouth of him, and all the birds ate their
fill from the corpses of them.
(v.4) And I saw
thrones and [the ones] seated [up]on them and authority to judge was given
to them, and [I saw] the souls [lives?] of the decapitated ones on account
of the witness of Jesus and on account of the word of God, and the ones
who did not fall down before [worship?] the animal/beast nor before the
icon [image?] of it and [the ones who] did not receive the imprint [stamp?]
[up]on the forehead and [up]on the hand of them. And they became
alive and they reigned with Christ a thousand years. (v.5)
The rest of the dead did not become alive until the thousand years might
be completed. This is the resurrection, the first one. (v.6)
Blessed and holy is the one who has a share in the resurrection, the first
one; [up]on these, the second death is not having authority, but
they will be priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with him
[the] thousand years.
(v.7) And when the thousand years
are brought to completion, [the] Satans will be loosed from his place of
imprisonment (v.8) and he will come out to lead astray the nations, the
ones in the four corners of the earth, the Gog and the Magog, [in order]
to gather them together into [for?] the war/battle, with respect to which
their number [is] like the sand of the sea. (v.9) And they
went up [up]on the breadth of the earth and they made a circle around the
encampment of the holy ones [saints?] and [around] the city, the beloved
one, and [there] came down fire out of the heaven and devoured them.
(v.10) And the Devil, the one who deceived them, was thrown into
the lake of fire and of sulfur, where also the animal [beast?] and the
pseudo-prophet [false prophet?] [were], and they will be tortured [tormented]
day and night forever and ever.
(v.11) And/then
I saw a great white throne and [I saw] the one sitting [up]on it, where
from the face [presence?] fled the earth and the heaven and a place was
not found for them. (v.12) And/then I saw the dead, the
great ones and the small ones, standing before the throne.
And books were being opened, and another book was being opened, which is
[the book] of the life, and the dead were being judged out of that which
was written in the books, according to their works. (v.13)
And the lake gave the dead, the ones in it, and [the] death and [the] Hades
gave the dead, the ones in them, and they were being judged, everyone according
to their works. (v.14) And [the] death and [the] Hades were being
thrown/cast into the lake of fire. This is the death, the second
one, the lake of fire. (v.15) And if someone is not found written
in the book of [the] life, s/he might be thrown/cast into the lake of [the]
"Behold the dwelling [tent?] of [the] God
[is] with/among the human beings, and he will tabernacle/dwell with/among
them, and they will be his people, and God himself with/among them will
be [their God], (v.4) and he will wipe away every tear from their
eyes, and [the] death will not be anymore, nor sorrow [mourning?], nor
crying, nor pain [suffering?] will be anymore, [because] the first things
went away."
(v.5) And/then the
one sitting [up]on the throne said: "Behold, I will make new all
things," and he is saying: "Write, because these words are faithful
and true." (v.6) And he said to me: "It is become [done?]!
I [am] the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will
give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of [the] life
without charge. (v.7) The one who is victorious will
inherit these things, and I will be to/for him God and he will be to/for
me a son. (v.8) But/and to/for the cowardly ones and un-faithful
ones and corrupted ones and murderers and practicing-sexual-immorality-ones
and practicing-sorcery-ones and all the liars, their place [is] in the
lake, the burning one with [by means of] fire and sulfur, which is the
death, the second one.
(v.9) And/then
went one from/out of the seven divine messengers [angels?] who were holding
the seven bowls of the filled with the seven last plague ones, and s/he
spoke with me, saying: Come! I will show to you the bride,
the woman [wife] of the lamb!" (v.10) And s/he carried me away
in spirit [up]on a great mountain and a high one, and s/he showed to me
the city, the holy Jerusalem [or: the holy city Jerusalem?] coming down
out of the heaven from [the] God (v.11) while having the glory of [the]
God, the radiance of her [i.e. Jerusalem, or: of it, i.e. of the
glory of God] [was] like [cf. homoios-language all through the whole book
of Revelation!] to a most precious stone, like to a jasper-stone that is
clear as crystal. (v.12) [It is] having a great [mighty?] and high
wall, having twelve gates and [up]on the gates twelve divine messengers
[angels?] and names written upon which are [the names] of the twelve tribes
of [the] children [lit.: sons] of Israel. (v.13) From
dawn [East] three gates, and from north[wind] three gates, and from south[wind]
three gates, and from dusk [West] three gates. (v.14) And the
wall of the city [is] having twelve foundational stones and [up]on them
[are] the manes of the twelve apostles [the send-with-a-commission-ones]
of the lamb.
(v.15) And/then
the one speaking with me had a golden measuring rod, in order that /she
might measure the city and her gates and her wall. (v.16) And the
city is lying four-corner-wise, and her length [is] as much as the width.
And s/he measured the city with [by means of] the rod upon twelve-thousand
stadia [ca. 1,500 miles], the length and the width and the height of her
are just the same. (v.17) And s/he measured her wall one hundred-forty-four
(144) cubits [ca. seventy-five yards], a measure of a human being, which
[who?] is of a divine messenger [angel?]. (v. 18) And the building
material [the that-which-is-built into-thing] of her wall [is] jasper and
the city [was built in] pure gold like with pure glass. (v.19) The
foundation stones of the wall of the city [are] being adorned by means
[with] of every precious stone; the first foundation stone jasper,
the second sapphire, the third agate, the forth emerald, (v.20) the fifth
sardonyx, the sixth cornelian, the seventh a golden stone yellow topaz?],
the eight beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase [green quartz?],
the eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst, (v.21) and the twelve gates
[are] twelve pearls, each of the gates was out of/from one pearl.
And the street of the city [was] pure gold like glass transparent.
(v.22) And a temple
I did not see in her, for the Lord God, the one who reigns over everything,
is her temple and [as well as] the lamb. (v.23) And the city has
neither need of the sun nor of the moon, in order that they might shine
in [on?] her, for the glory of [the] God gave light to [illumined?] her,
and her lamp [is] the lamb. (v.24) And the nations will walk
around through her light, and the kings of the earth will carry their glory
into her, (v.25) and her gates might never be shut by day, for night will
not be there, (v.26) and they will carry the glory and the honor of the
nations into her. (v.27) And not might enter into [into] her
anything common and [the one] who is doing something detestable and one
who lies, except the ones who are written in the book of [the] life of
the lamb.
(v.8) And I, John,
[am] the one who hears [heard?] and sees [saw?] these things. And
when [as long as] I heard and saw, I fell in order to worship before the
feet of the divine messenger [angel?], the one who was showing to me these
things. (v.9) And he is saying to me: "Do not [do that]!
A fellow slave of you I am, and of your brothers the prophets and of the
ones who keep these words of this book; with respect to God worship!"
(v.10) And he
is saying to me: "Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book,
for the critical hour/moment is near. (v.11) Let the one who does
wrong [evil?] do wrong [evil?] still, and let the dirty one get him or
herself dirty still, and let the righteous one do righteousness still,
and let the holy one [saint?] be holy still.
(v.12) Behold,
I am coming quickly [soon?], and my reward with me [in order] to return
[repay] to each one like/as his work is. (v.13) I [am] the Alpha
and the Omega, the First One and the Last One, the Beginning and the End.
(v.14) Blessed
[by God] are the ones who wash their robes [stoles, clothes?] in order
that their authority will be upon the wood [tree?] of [the] life and by
means of the gates they might enter into the city. (v.15) Outside
[are] the dogs and the sorcerers [poison mixers?] and the sexually-immoral-ones
and the murderers and the idol-makers and everyone who loves and does a
(v.16) I, Jesus,
sent my divine messenger [angel?] to bear witness to you with respect to
these things upon [for] the churches. I am (!) the root and the offspring/descendent
[of] David, the shining early morning star."
(v.17) And the
spirit and the bride are saying: "Come!" And let the one who
hears say: "Come!" And let everyone who is thirsty come, the
one who wishes let him or her receive water of life as a gift [without
(v.18) I will
bear witness to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book;
if someone lays upon [adds?] [up]on these things, [the] God will lay upon
[up]on him the plagues [beatings?] that are written in this book.
(v.19) And if someone takes away from the words of the book of this
prophecy , [the] God will take away his part [share?] from the wood [tree]
of [the] life and from/out of the holy city of the things written in this
(v.20) The one
who is bearing witness with respect to these things is saying: "Yes
[indeed, surely?], I am coming quickly [soon?]." Amen, come Lord