Post-Resurrection Appearance Stories Bibliography 1987-2000
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Post-Resurrection Appearance Stories
Crossan, John Dominic "The cross that spoke: the earliest narrative of the passion and resurrection"
[bibliog] Forum 3:3-22 Je 1987
Funk, Robert W, ed [Jesus Seminar contributions in 1986] For contents see Funk, Robert W, ed in
Author-Editor Index Forum 3:3-128 Mr; 3-116 Je; 63-127 S; 3-63 D 1987
Greshake, Gisbert "Der Glaube an die Auferstehung der Toten: Konsequenzen für das christliche
Menschenverstandnis" Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 34 no 3:491-511 1987
O'Collins, Gerald "Mary Magdalene as major witness to Jesus' Resurrection" Theological Studies
48:631-646 D 1987
Plevnik, Joseph "The eyewitnesses of the risen Jesus in Luke 24" Catholic Biblical Quarterly 49:90-103
Ja 1987
Watson, Francis "Historical evidence and the resurrection of Jesus" Theology 90:365-372 S 1987
Alsup, John E. "Resurrection and Historicity" Austin Seminary Bulletin [Faculty Edition] 103 no 8:5-18 Ap 1988
Craig, William Lane "Pannenbergs Beweis für die Auferstehung Jesu [Eng abst]" Kerygma und Dogma
34:78-104 Ap-Je 1988
Galvin, John P "The origin of faith in the resurrection of Jesus: two recent perspectives" Theological
Studies 49:25-44 Mr 1988
Hill, C E "Paul's understanding of Christ's kingdom in I Corinthians 15:20-28" Novum Testamentum
30:297-320 O 1988
Jarvis, Cynthia A "Matthew 28:1-10 [expository article]" Interpretation 42:63-68 Ja 1988
O'Collins, Gerald "Did Jesus eat the fish (Luke 24:42-43)?" Gregorianum 69 no 1:65-76 1988
Sawicki, Marianne "Recognizing the risen Lord" Theology Today 44:441-449 Ja 1988
Schroeder, David C "Lenten passages: reflections on mortality and resurrection" Currents in Theology
and Mission 15:182-186 Ap 1988
Craig, William Lane "On doubts about the resurrection [rational evidence vs J Keller]" Modern Theology
6:53-75 O 1989
Geisler, Norman L "The battle for the resurrection" Fundamentalist Journal 8:12-15 Mr 1989
Geisler, Norman L "The significance of Christ's physical resurrection" Bibliotheca Sacra 146:148-170
Ap-Je 1989
Guelich, Robert A, ed "What is salvation?" Ex Auditu 5:1-171 1989
Habermas, Gary R "Jesus' resurrection and contemporary criticism: an apologetic" Criswell Theological
Review 4:159-174 Fall 1989
Hübner, Hans "Kreuz und Auferstehung im Neuen Testament; pt 1" Theologische Rundschau 54 no
3:262-306 1989
Loader, William R G "The New Testament and the resurrection: reflections on Peter Carnley's book, The
structure of resurrection belief, 1987" Colloquium 22:45-50 O 1989
Matera, Frank J "John 20:1-18 [expository article]" Interpretation 43:402-406 O 1989
O'Collins, Gerald "Resurrection belief: a note on a recent book [The structure of resurrection belief, by P
Carnley, 1987]" Gregorianum 70 no 2:341-344 1989
Peel, Malcolm L "The resurrection in recent scholarly research [ils]" Bible Review 5:14-21,42-43 Ag
Binder, Hermann "Zum geschichtlichen Hintergrund von 1 Kor 15,12" Theologische Zeitschritt 46 no
3:193-201 1990
Davis, Stephen T "Doubting the resurrection: a reply to James A Keller [Faith Phil 5:40-60 Ja 1988;
rejoinder, pp 112-116]" Faith and Philosophy 7:99-111 Ja 1990
Eddy, G Thackeray "The resurrection of Jesus Christ: a consideration of Professor Cranfield's argument
[pp 167-172 Mr 1990]" Expository Times 101:327-329 Ag 1990
Eckardt, A Roy "Why do you search among the dead?" Encounter 51:1-17 Wint 1990
Habermas, Gary R "Jesus' resurrection and contemporary criticism: an apologetic (part II) [read at
Criswell Lecture Series, 1989]" Criswell Theological Review 4:373-385 Spr 1990
Kloppenborg, John S "Easter faith and the sayings gospel Q [bibliog]" Semeia no 49:71-99 1990
Noack, Thomas "The Natural Body and the Resurrection Body of Christ" Studia Swedenborgiana 7 no
1:19-38 D 1990
Schindler, David L, ed "The resurrection of the body" Communio (US) 17:4-49 Spr 1990
Schonborn, Christoph " ‘Auferstehung des Fleisches' im Glauben der Kirche" Internationale
Katholische Zeitschrift "Communio" 19 no 1:13-29 1990
Youngblood, Ronald, ed "Essays on The battle for the resurrection, by N L Geisler, 1989; From grave to
glory, by M J Harris, 1990 [indexer-assigned title]" Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
33:369-382 S 1990
Beasley-Murray, George R "Resurrection and parousia of the Son of Man [linkages in NT]" Tyndale
Bulletin 42:296-309 N 1991
Krentz, Edgar M "Images of the resurrection in the New Testament" Currents in Theology and Mission
18:98-108 Ap 1991
Lambrecht, Jan "Line of thought in 1 Cor 15:1-11 [analysis "in dialogue with" G Claudel]"
Gregorianum 72 no 4:655-670 1991
Kingsbury, Jack Dean, ed "The resurrection" Interpretation 46:3-65 Ja 1992
Koch, Traugott "Auferstehung der Toten: Uberlegungen zur Gewissheit des Glaubens angesichts des
Todes" Zeitschritt für Theologie und Kirche 89 no 4:462-483 1992
Tabor, James D, and Wise, Michael O 4Q52l "On Resurrection" and the Synoptic Gospel Tradition: A
Preliminary Study [Hebrew text, Eng tr] Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 10:149-162 Ap
Wyschogrod, Michael "Resurrection [Christianity and Judaism; lecture, St Olaf Summer Theology
Conf, Jl 1991]" Pro Ecclesia 1:104-112 Fall 1992
Craig, William Lane "From Easter to Valentinus and the Apostles' Creed Once More: A Critical
Examination of James Robinson's Proposed Resurrection Appearance Trajectories" Journal for the
Study of the New Testament no 52:19-39 D 1993
Kendall, Daniel, and O'Collins, Gerald "Christ's Resurrection and the Aorist Passive of egeiro [tables]"
Gregorianum 74 no 4:725-735 1993
Schwager, Raymund "Die heutige Theologie und das leere Grab Jesu" Zeitschrift für Katholische
Theologie 115 no 4:435-450 1993
Smollon, James, ed, and Clifton, Michelle, ed "Bibliography [Jesus' resurrection; annot]" Ex Auditu
9:143-150 1993
Snodgrass, Klyne R, ed "Resurrection [North Park Symposium on Theological Interpretation of Scripture,
Chicago, O 8-10 1993]" Ex Auditu 9:1-150 1993
Stuhlmacher, Peter, and Whitlock, Jonathan M, tr "The Resurrection of Jesus and the Resurrection of the
Dead [examining biblical evidence]" Ex Auditu 9:45-56 1993
Borg, Marcus J "Thinking About Easter: Whatever happened at Easter, it was not resuscitation. Easter
does not mean that Jesus resumed his previous life as a finite person" Bible Review 10:15,49 Ap 1994
Luz, Ulrich "Aufregung um Die Auferstehung Jesu: Zum Auferstehungsbuch von G Lüdernann [1994;
review article]" Evangelische Theologie 54 no 5:476-482 1994
Pannenberg, Wolfhart "Die Auferstehung Jesu--Historie und Theologie [fr lecture presented at
Göttingen, Je 23 1994]" Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 91 no 3:318-328 1994
Sansom, Michael "Making Sense of the Resurrection [Risen Indeed, by S T Davis, 1993; editorial
review]" Anvil: An Anglican Evangelical Journal for Theology and Mission 11 no 2:99-101 1994
Slenczka, Reinhard " ‘Nonsense' (Lk 24, 11): Dogmatische Beobachtungen zu dem historischen Buch
von Gerd Lüdemann, ‘Die Auferstehung Jesu. Historie. Erfahrung. Theologie', Gôttingen 1994"
Kerygma und Dogma 40:170-181 Ap-Je 1994
Blackburn, Ronald "Dialogue on the Resurrection [reply to L King, vol 27, no 2; rejoinder, pp 47-49]"
Quaker Religious Thought 27 no 4:45-46 1995
Bost, Hubert "Resurrection et histoire [Eng abst, p 439]" Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses
75:419-437 O-D 1995
Braaten, Carl E "Can We Still Be Christians? [G Luedemann's study of resurrection of Jesus; editorial]"
Pro Ecclesia 4:395-397 Fall 1995
Brueggemann, Walter, ed "[Easter]" Journal for Preachers 18 no 3:1-30 1995
Dunn, James D G "Jesus for Today" Theology Today 52:66-74 Ap 1995
Cavin, Robert Greg "Is There Sufficient Historical Evidence to Establish the Resurrection of Jesus?"
Faith and Philosophy 12:361-379 Jl 1995
Miller, Donald G "The Resurrection as the Source of Living Hope: An Exposition of I Peter 1:3"
Horizons in Biblical Theology 17:132-141 D 1995
Moiser, Jeremy "The Resurrection: Recent Official Pronouncements and Recent Exegesis [Gospels]"
Downside Review 113:235-247 O 1995
Sánger, Peter "Das Symobl der Auferstehung" Communio Viatorum 37 no 1:56-64 1995
Carter, Warren " ‘To see the tomb': Matthew's Women at the Tomb" Expository Times 107:201-205 Ap
Derrett, J Duncan M "The Walk to Emmaus (Lk 24,13-35): The Lost Dimension" Estudios Biblicos 54
no 2:183-193 1996
Luz, Ulrich, ed "Auferstehung Jesu" Evangelische Theologie 57 no 3:177-272 1997
O'Collins, Gerald "The resurrection of Jesus: Some contemporary issues [24th Père Marquette Lecture in
Theology, Marquette Univ, Milwaukee, Wis, 1993; repr]" Stimulus 5:57-64 My 1997
Opocenská, Jana "Women at the Cross, at Jesus' Burial, and After the Resurrection: Mk 15.40; 16.10
[bibliog]" Reformed World 47:40-48 Mr 1997
Schrage, Wolfgang "Der gekreuzigte und auferweckte Herr: Zur theologia crucis und theologia
resurrectionis bei Paulus" Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 94 no 1:25-38 1997
Setzer, Claudia "Excellent Women: Female Witness to the Resurrection" Journal of Biblical Literature
116:259-272 Sum 1997
Craig, William Lane "Rediscovering the Historical Jesus: Presuppositions and Pretensions of the Jesus
Seminar [Carver-Barnes lecture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC, S 24
1996; fig]" Faith and Mission 15:3-15 Spr 1998
Hauerwas, Stanley " The Resurrection and the Jesus Seminar: A Sermon with Commentary [Acts 10:34-
43; 1 Cor 15:1-11; Jn 20:1-18]" Journal for Preachers 21 no 3:25-29 1998
Knight, Christopher "The Resurrection Appearances as Religious Experience" Modern Believing ns
39:16-23 Ap 1998
Lohse, Eduard "Die Wahrheit der Osterbotschaft" Communio Viatorum 40 no 1:5-15 1998
Pilch, John J "Appearances of the Risen Jesus in Cultural Context: Experiences of Alternate Reality
[bibliog]" Biblical Theology Bulletin 28:52-60 Sum 1998
Braaten, Carl E "The Resurrection Debate Revisited" Pro Ecclesia 8:147-158 Spr 1999
Marrow, Stanley B "Athanasia/Anastasis: The Road Not Taken" New Testament Studies 45 no 4:571-
586 O 1999
O'Collins, Gerald "Resurrection and New Creation" Dialog 38:15-19 Wint 1999
Pannenberg, Wolfhart, and Schroeder, Gabriele, tr "The Resurrection of Jesus: History and Theology [tr
fr Z Th K 91 no 3:318-328 1994]" Dialog 38:20-25 Wint 1999
Sobrino, Jon "The Resurrection of Jesus From the Perspective of Victims" SEDOS Bulletin 31:302-303
N 1999
Stipp, Hermann-Josef "Vier Gestalten einer Totenerweckungserzahlung (1 Kôn 17,17-24; 2 Kon 4,8-
37; Apg 9,36-42; Apg 20,7-12) [Eng abst, p 77]" Biblica 80 no 1:43-77 1999
Resurrection Bibliography
Resurrection Bibliography
Barker, Margaret. The risen Lord: the Jesus of history as the Christ of faith. Trinity Press
International, 1996.
Barr, James. The Garden of Eden and the hope of immortality. Fortress Press, 1993.
Bommarius, Alexander, Fand die Auferstehung wirklich statt? : eine Diskussion mit Gerd
Ludemann. Parerga, 1995.
Bridges, James T. Human destiny and resurrection in Pannenberg and Rahner. P Lang, 1987.
Brown, Raymond Edward. A risen Christ in Eastertime: essays on the Gospel narratives of the
Resurrection. Liturgical Press, 1991.
Carnley, Peter. The structure of resurrection belief. Clarendon Press, 1987.
Craig, William Lane. Assessing the New Testament evidence for the historicity of the
Resurrection of Jesus. E. Mellen Press, 1989.
Craig, William Lane. Knowing the truth about the Resurrection: our response to the empty tomb.
Servant Books, 1988.
Davis, Stephen T. The Resurrection : an interdisciplinary symposium on the Resurrection of
Jesus. Oxford University Press, 1997.
Fischbach, Stephanie M. Totenerweckungen: zur Geschichte einer Gattung. Echter, 1992.
Goergen, Donald. The death and resurrection of Jesus. M. Glazier, 1988.
Grayston, Kenneth. Dying we live: a new enquiry into the death of Christ in the New Testament.
Oxford University Press, 1990.
Gunter, W. Stephen. Resurrection knowledge: recovering the Gospel for a postmodern church.
Abingdon Press, 1999.
Habermas, Gary R. Did Jesus rise from the dead? : the resurrection debate. Harper & Row,
Hanhart, Karel. The open tomb: a new approach, Mark's Passover Haggadah ([ca.] 72 C.E.).
Liturgical Press, 1994.
Hoffman, Paul. Zur neutestamentlichen berlieferung von der Auferstehung Jesu.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesell, 1988.
Holleman, Joost. Resurrection and Parousia; a traditio-historical study of Paul's eschatology in 1
Corinthians 15. Brill, 1996.
Houlden, J.L. Backward into light: the passion and resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew
and Mark. SCM Press, 1987.
Johnson, Luke Timothy. Living Jesus: learning the heart of the Gospel. HarperSanFrancisco,
Kersten, Holger. The Jesus conspiracy: the Turin Shroud and the truth about the Resurrection.
Barnes and Noble, 1995.
Kessler, William Thomas. Peter as the first witness of the risen Lord: an historical and
theological investigation. Pontificia universit grego, 1998
Lona, Horacio E. Uber die Auferstehung des Fleisches: Studien zur fruhchristlichen
Eschatologie. W. de Gruyter, 1993.
Longenecker, Richard N. Life in the face of death: the resurrection message of the New
Testament. W.B. Eerdmans, 1998.
Lorenzen, Thorwald. Resurrection and discipleship: interpretive models, biblical reflections,
theological consequences. Orbis Books, 1995.
Ludemann, Gerd. Osterglaube ohne Auferstehung? : Diskussion mit Gerd Ludemann. Herder,
Ludemann, Gerd. The resurrection of Jesus: history, experience, theology. SCM Press, 1994.
Ludemann, Gerd. What really happened to Jesus: a historical approach to the Resurrection.
Westminster John Knox Press, 1995.
McDonald, James I.H. The resurrection: narrative and belief. SPCK, 1989.
Maier, Paul L. In the fullness of time: a historian looks at Christmas, Easter, and the early
church. HarperSanFrancisco, 1991.
Marxsen, Willi. Jesus and Easter: did God raise the historical Jesus from the dead? Abingdon
Press, 1990.
Neyrey, Jerome H. The Resurrection stories. M. Glazier, 1988.
O'Collins, Gerald. Interpreting the Resurrection : examining the major problems in the stories of
Jesus' Resurrection. Paulist Press, 1988.
O'Collins, Gerald. Jesus risen: an historical, fundamental, and systematic examination of Christ's
resurrection. Paulist Press, 1987.
Osborne, Kenan B. The Resurrection of Jesus: new considerations for its theological
interpretation. Paulist Press, 1997.
Porter, Stanley E. Resurrection. Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.
Reeves, Keith Howard. The resurrection narrative in Matthew: a literary-critical examination.
Mellen Biblical Press, 1993.
Riley, Gregory J. Resurrection reconsidered: Thomas and John in controversy. Fortress Press,
Sawicki, Marianne. Seeing the Lord: Resurrection and early Christian practices. Fortress Press,
Sellin, Gerhard. Der Streit um die Auferstehung der Toten: eine religionsgeschichtliche und
exegetische Untersuchung von 1 K. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986.
Spong, John Shelby. Resurrection: myth or reality? : a bishop's search for the origins of
Christianity. HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.
Walker, Peter. The weekend that changed the world: the mystery of Jerusalem's empty tomb.
Westminster John Knox Press, 2000.
Wedderburn, A.J.M. Baptism and resurrection: studies in Pauline theology against its Graeco-
Roman background. J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1987.
Wedderburn, A.J.M. Beyond resurrection. SCM, 1999.
Wenham, John William. Easter enigma: do the resurrection stories contradict one another?
Baker Book House, 1993.
Wildsmith, Brian. The Easter story. Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2000.