Nancy Marroquin
John 20: 6-10
Verse 6 who was behind came, following him, and arrived and went inside.
him, arrived and went into went
into the tomb. He saw also
noticed the linen
the tomb. He saw the strips the
linen wrappings lying wrappings
lying there,
of linen lying there, there,
Verse 7 as well as the burial and the cloth that had
been while the
cloth that had
cloth that had been around on
Jesus’ head, not lying covered
Jesus’ head was
Jesus’ head. The cloth was with
the linen wrappings but folded up and lying to the
folded up by itself, separate rolled
up in a place by itself. side.
from the linen.
Verse 8 Finally the other Then the other disciple, Then the other disciple
disciple, who had reached who
reached the tomb first, went
the tomb first, also went also
went in
Verse 9 (They still did not for as yet they did not for until then they
understand from Scripture understand
the scripture, realized
that the Scriptures
that Jesus had to rise from that
he must rise from the said
he would rise from the
the dead.) dead. dead.
Verse 10 Then the disciples Then the disciples returned
Then they went home. went back to their homes to their homes.
Rough Translation
6 The
Simon Peter arrived,
following him, and he entered into the tomb and he saw the wrappings, the
ones lying.
7 And the face cloth which was upon the head
of him not lying with the wrappings laid but rolled up separately upon a nearby
8 The at that time the other disciple came
also, the one coming first at the tomb, and he saw and he believed.
9 They not yet understanding the scripture
that he must himself to be raised from dead.
10 Then the disciples went back to themselves.
Textual Criticism
In verse 6, a majority of the Alexandrian witnesses
chose to omit ,ezo~t Nestle-Aland includes K&L Since
it makes for a simpler reading, I chose to omit K&L from
my translation.
In verse 10, ai’no~ç is replaced by ~u in a majority of
the witnesses. This changes the translation to
6 Who was the one that Simon Peter followed?
7 How did he know it was the head cloth that
was lying separately from the other wrappings? What is the significance, if
any, of the head cloth lying separately? Is it important that it was folded up?
Why were these wrappings lying in the tomb? If they were burial wrappings, who
do they belong to?
8 Who is the other disciple? Why did he
hesitate to enter the tomb? What made him finally decide to enter? What did he
see? What did he believe?
9 What scriputre did they not understand? Who
is the “he” that must rise from the dead?
10 Where did the disciples go back to? Why did
they leave? Was it just the two disciples or were others with them?
John 20:26-31
Step I (Initial Acquaintance)
Greek from Revised Standard New International The Message
Nestle-Aland xxvii Version Version
26a- emeras okto Eight Days A week Eight
26b- thuron Doors
were shut Doors were locked The locked doors
27- ginou apistos Do not be faithless, Stop
doubting and Don’t be
believing believe unbelieving.
alla pistos Believe!
29- hoti
eorakas me Have you believed Because
you have So, you believe
you have seen me you have because you have
pepisteukas seen me? believed; seen with your own
30- alla semeia Other
signs Miraculous signs God-revealing signs
31- zoen echete en Have life in his Have
life in his Have real and
name name eternal life in the
to onomati autou way
he personally
B. Textual
Vs. 26: Insignificant
due to lack of Alexandrian and other sources.
Vs. 27: Insignificant
due to lack of sources.
Vs. 28: Kai, o: Insignificant due to minority of
alteration to the text.
Vs. 29: eipen: Minor significance- change to
aorist from present. Omission of Definite Article before Thomas’ name.
Vs. 29: me: Insertion of”me” changes text to
“Blessed are the ones not having seen me and having believed. Support only from
Vs. 30: Omission
of autou supported by Vaticanus.
Alexandrian family strongly
supports the text.
Vs. 31: pisteuete: A change from the Aorist
active Subjunctive to the Present active
Subjunctive Mood. The Alexandrian documents Sinaiticus and Koridethi and
the Miniscule 892 support the change from the text.
Vs. 31: aionion: Insertion of the word eternal.
Support from Sinaiticus, Ephraemi, L, Psi, and Miniscule families 13 and 33.
C. Rough
26. And
through eight days again his disciples were within and Thomas (was) with them.
Jesus came of the door being shut and is into the middle, and said “Peace to
27. Then he
says to Thomas, “Bring your finger here and see my hands and bring your hand
and cast into my side, and do not become non-believing but believing.”
28. Having
answered Thomas said to him, “my Lord and my God!”
29. Jesus
says to him, “Because you have seen me you have believed? Blessed are the ones
not having seen and having believed.”
30. Now
Jesus made many other signs in the presence of his disciples, it is not being
written in this Book.
31. But He
writes these things in order that you believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son
of God and in order that you believe you have life in his name.
1. In vs.
26 was the door shut, or was the door locked? The translations differ. Is the
point of the author that the occurrence of Jesus in the. room was supernatural?
2. I find it interesting that the
first message that the Lord gives to the disciples in this passage is “Peace to
you.” What is the message that we as a church provide to fellow disciples from
our resurrected Lord?
3. In vs. 27 is Jesus rebuking
Thomas for his unbelief or is he telling Thomas that he will do whatever it
takes to help him believe?
4. In vs. 28: What is our
response when Jesus reveals the fallacy of our doubt?
5. In
vs. 29: Who are the ones that Jesus is referring to when he says “Blessed are
the ones having not seen and having believed?” Is he referring to those outside
of the house, outside of the time, or both? Basically, was he referring to me?
6. In verse 30: What are the
other signs?
7. In verse 31: It seems that the
difference in the text criticism is a possible difference between life eternal
and life temporal.
In this passage we see
the culmination of the prologue at the beginning of John in 1:1-18. The themes
of Light and Darkness and well as The relationship of the Father and the Son
are prevalent in John 20. In the resurrected Lord we see the glory of the